The Utah Department of Transportation will hold joint public hearings on two proposed projects on Highland Drive in the East Millcreek and Holladay-Cottonwood areas on Thursday, Aug. 25.
The first proposed project involves reconstructing Highland Drive from 4500 South to 4800 South.The reconstruction includes the removal of the existing pavement, stabilization of the sub base and construction of new pavement, storm drains and curbs, gutters and sidewalks where they do not exist.
For the most part construction will be within the existing right-of-way. However, a total of 1.5 acres will be required from about 20 properties. No home or business relocations are involved in the project.
The other project is the improvement of the intersection at Highland Drive and 3300 South. This includes the addition of left-turn lanes and a slight realignment of Highland Drive to the east. Some 15 properties will lose property to the project. The project involves the relocation of as many as two businesses.
The hearing will be held in the William Penn Elementary School, 1670 E. Siggard Ave. (3701 South). The public may visit anytime from 6 to 8 p.m.