There are more than 2,000 archery deer permits remaining for the northern region, more than 10,000 rifle deer permits for the northern region and 8,000 rifle deer permits for the central region still available.
And, more than 11,000 elk permits are still available for the statewide open bull elk hunt. There are also deer permits remaining for the northeastern and southeastern region. All remaining deer and elk hunting permits for the 1994 big game hunting seasons will go on sale over the counter at all Division of Wildlife Resources offices on Monday. The agency will continue to accept mail-in applications for the leftover permits.Here is a list of remaining permits as of Friday, August 19th.:
Northern Region
Rifle deer - 10,186
Archery - 2,489
Muzzleloader - 543
Northeastern Region
Rifle deer - 3,128
Archery - 783
Central Region
Rifle deer - 7,907
Archery - 1,101
Muzzleloader - 716
Southeastern Region
Rifle deer - 1,624
Archery - 31
Bull elk - 12,750