Steve, born May 10, 1983, enjoys sports and has some artistic talent. He's taking tae kwon do class-es and likes baseball.
Steve does well in school and is a positive role model for his peers.Due to abuse and neglect, Steve was placed in a foster home in February 1988.
He's now at a residential child care facility where he gets therapy and individual attention to help him deal with anger from his past experiences. Steve is cautious about putting too much trust in others.
But he seems able to bond to some degree. He does fairly well with adults, although he tests the limits and has difficulty asking for help.
He needs to be supervised with younger children but generally interacts appropriately with those his own age.
Steve was in sixth grade in a public school last year working at about the fourth-grade level in all areas, despite lower test scores in reading, spelling and math. He is registered for only three special education classes this year in middle school.
A two-parent family that can help Steve continue the progress he's made in therapy is needed.
He'd do best as the youngest or only child at home. Steve wants to stay in touch with an older sibling who has been adopted.
Financial assistance is available.