Want to organize your recipe collection, plan menus and whip out shopping lists (and have that list organized into categories such as Dairy Products, Fresh Produce, etc.)?
COOK'N software just might be the answer. The product sprung from a food storage plan and has evolved over the years into a computer program that is selling like crazy.
Dan Oaks, president of DVO Enterprises, sent us a copy of his brainchild and we love it. It's user-friendly - and takes the "byte" out of meal planning.
The software sells for $39.95 plus tax at Media Play and Deseret Book. Or order COOK'N by calling 1-801-798-7940. MasterCard and Visa orders are taken by phone.
We asked you "Why Utah Prefers Green Jell-O" and you responded enthusiastically.
Karen Spencer of Sandy says: "Because red rubs against your mashed potatoes and colors them pink."
New Yorker Mark Newman: "Green Jell-O is a perfect "welcome to our neighborhood" gift since it's easier to make than a casserole."
Sherman F. Anderson: "Green is a strong enough color that it pretty much hides the identity of other food that we just can't bring ourselves to waste."
And the winner is . . .
Margaret Harper from West Valley City:
- Because it's so darn pretty with shredded carrots in it.
- Because it keeps the cost of living down.
- Because it offends neither BYU nor U. of U. fans.
- Because there are just some things you have to do to fit in.
- Because of our desert environment we crave green dessert.
- If you can make green Jell-O taste good, you must be a good cook.
- It's almost as powerful against depression as Prozac.
- It looks good next to our old Relief Society grapes.
Congratulations, Margaret, you'll be receiving a fancy tiara made with Jell-O Jiggler Jewels - emeralds, of course.
Food thought o' the day
"The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you're hungry again."
- George Miller