A new report says that "pleasingly plump" is an oxymoron, that being even a little overweight may add to the risk of life-threatening illnesses.
With that in mind, try these "oven fries" from cookbook author Kevin Wolfe.Wolfe mixes whatever seasonings he likes at the moment with fork-beaten egg white. He brushes red-potato wedges - unpeeled - with the seasoned egg white, then bakes them in a hot oven until tender. Be sure to place the potato wedges peel side down on a baking sheet, so the cut sides of the potato can brown well.
- Free brochures:
- For catfish lovers, a sheet of recipe cards. Each recipe takes 30 minutes or less to prepare. For a free copy, write to: Farm-Raised Catfish Meals in Minutes, P.O. Box 568-B, Gibbstown, NJ 08027.
- Tips on a healthy heart in a slick brochure from the American Heart Association. Write to: First Steps to Heart Health, Healthy Choice foods, P.O. Box 8797, St. Louis, MO, 63101-8797.