Government action
In its Nov. 14 meeting, the City Council:
- Held a special coin toss to break a tie between third-place council candidates Diane Layton and David Monson. Layton won the toss and will retain her council seat for another four years.
- Awarded a replastering project for the Clearfield Municipal Swimming Pool to Babbit Swimming Pool Plastering for $19,945. The pool will likely be closed from Dec. 11 to Jan. 2.
- Held a public hearing and rezoned land at 96 W. 1700 South from manufacturing to business to allow property owner Frank Williams to have an on-site manager live near his storage facility.
- Held a public hearing and approved a change in the Smithtowne subdivision, 360 W. between 150 and 250 North to allow a 60-foot frontage in one section of single-family homes, instead of the required 65 feet. The original plan was for 29 apartments.
- Set a public hearing for Tuesday, Nov. 28, 7:05 p.m. to consider revising the land use portion of the general plan.
- Approved a pawn shop license to Hazel Duffy at 246 E. 200 South for PM Pawn and Loan.
In its Nov. 14 meeting, the City Council:
- Approved Canterbury Crossing, phase two, 13 lots, east of 2500 West and near Syracuse Junior High School.
- Held a public hearing on possible community development block grant projects. Sidewalk and storm drain projects were most often suggested by residents.
- Set public hearings for reviews of the city's general plan for Dec. 12 and Jan. 23.
- Set a public hearing for Tuesday, Dec. 12, 7 p.m. to consider rezoning land between 1000 West and the Bluff Road at 1900 South from agricultural to residential 10,000-square-foot lots.
West Point
In its Nov. 14 meeting, the City Council:
- Discussed a new storm drain on 200 South to benefit both West Point and Clearfield. Recommended an S-curve rather than a straight design over one portion of property. The Davis County Commission will make a decision.
- Tabled preliminary approval for New Hampton subdivision, phase six, off 1300 North and 3200 West.
- Granted final approval to Hazelwood subdivision, 28 lots at 750 N. and 2000 West.
- Tabled a storm drain request by Lynn Kirkham.
- Discussed a flow chart for subdivisions and decided strict adherence to the existing ordinance will solve the city's current problems.
In its Nov. 14 meeting, the City Council:
- Granted preliminary approval for lot 16 in the West Kaysville Business Park. It will be developed as an ice rink. Also adjusted the sale agreement of the property.
- Held a joint meeting with the Planning Commission on growth and development.
In its Nov. 14 meeting, the City Council:
- Held a public hearing and granted final plat approval for Sierra Estates subdivision, phase two, 31 lots, near 2300 N. and 3000 West.
- Approved Kali Estates subdivision, phase two, 30 lots, near 1000 West and 1800 North.
- Announced the Clinton City is currently having the cement poured for the foundation of its new municipal building.
- Reappointed Ken Willis to a three-year term on the Planning Commission.
- Held a public hearing and discussed possible community development block grant projects. A sidewalk installation on 3000 West from 300 to 1800 North is the city's preference.
- Announced approval of a waterline easement through Hill Air Force Base. The 30-inch line would replace a 12-inch line and will provide the city with greater pressure and also do away with any pumping needs, being a gravity-fed line.
- Approved a changeover to the Government Local Trust for liability insurance from a private company.
At its meeting Thursday, Nov. 16, the City Council:
- Approved a rezone request by Brian Lamano for a strip of land at about 1200 W. Gentile St. The 8,000-square-foot parcel was rezoned from R-1-10 to RM-1 and will be attached to an adjacent parcel being developed for apartments.
- Approved a city-initiated rezone of 80 acres at 1650 N. 1000 West, from CP-3 (commercial) to B-RP (business, office park). The city wants to encourage more office and related development in the area rather than commercial and retail.
- Gave conceptual approval to an annexation request by Stan Warren for 23 acres at Flint Street and Weaver Lane.