In your opinion of Nov. 11 you claim that there is more evidence that Utah has passed a bad weapons law. You say that the state Legislature "ignored the warning of police and other law enforcement experts" by relaxing requirements for concealed-carry of firearms. To which police and what "experts" do you refer? Are the experts spokesmen from the Violence Policy Center, which you admit are biased in their approach?
Have you considered the views of peace officers like our own Dennis Tueller of the Salt Lake Police Department who suggest that many of the restrictive anti-gun proposals typically championed by the left will have little effect on those who use firearms criminally? And please tell me why an individual intending to commit murder or other serious crimes with a firearm would be the least bit worried about being charged with unlawful concealed-carry, a misdemeanor?Criminals already flaunt the laws, and most have little if any respect or fear of the criminal justice system. You quote the following statistics from studies of Florida's experience with their concealed-carry law: 691 convicted criminals applied and were refused permits - a good thing. Then, in 549 cases in which permits were revoked, 167 never should have been granted in the first place. Is this evidence of a bad weapons law, or bureaucratic bungling?
You go on to state that 324 individuals granted permits committed crimes afterward, "although not all of those crimes were gun-related." How many actually were gun-related? How many were even violent in nature?
The News' opinion expressed seems to be the same old elitist slant that is pandemic in the main media and in liberal opinion. Only the "experts" and authorities can be trusted to exercise proper judgment and behavior in many areas, and in this case particularly, matters of self-protection. We common and ignorant citizens don't have the sense, capability or skill to care for our own well-being. This attitude fosters dependence on government, which seems to be the real goal of many on the left, thereby assuring their continued power. It's unfortunate the Deseret News seems to be a willing accomplice in the endeavor.
Steve Cannon
Salt Lake City