Twenty-two of Adolf Hitler's aides were tried for war crimes by 1945-46 Nuremberg International Military Tribunal:

- Martin Bormann: Hitler's deputy. Disappeared in final days of Nazi defeat. Convicted in absentia; sentenced to hang. Hitler's chauffeur said Bormann died while trying to flee Berlin.- Hermann Goering: Hitler's hand-picked successor, head of air force. Sentenced to hang, but killed self with poison capsule.

- Rudolf Hess: Hitler's deputy until 1941, when he parachuted into Britain in solo bid to negotiate peace. Sentenced to life in prison. Reported to have committed suicide in 1987.

- Joachim von Ribbentrop: Foreign minister. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Ernst Kaltenbrunner: Head of Reich Main Security office, which administered death camps and concentration camps. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Alfred Rosenberg: Nazi Party ideologist. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Hans Frank: Administrator of occupied Poland. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Wilhelm Frick: Hitler's first interior minister. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Fritz Sauckel: Overseer of slave labor program. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Julius Streicher: Hitler's propaganda chief, editor of anti-Semitic newspaper Der Stuermer. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Wilhelm Keitel: Chief of military high command. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Alfred Jodl: Keitel's deputy. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Arthur Seyss-Inquart: Reich commissioner for occupied Netherlands. Hanged Oct. 16, 1946.

- Walther Funk: Economic adviser. Sentenced to life. Died in 1960.

- Erich Raeder: Navy commander until 1943. Sentenced to life. Died in 1960.

- Albert Speer: Armaments minister. Sentenced to 20 years. Died in 1981.

- Baldur von Schirach: Leader of Youth of German Reich. Sentenced to 20 years. Died in 1974.

- Constantin von Neurath: Commissioner for occupied Bohemia and Moravia until 1941. Sentenced to 15 years. Died in 1956.

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- Karl Doenitz: Raeder's successor as navy commander. Sentenced to 10 years. Died in 1980.

- Hjalmar Schacht: Former Reichsbank president, suspected by Nazis of participating in 1944 attempt to kill Hitler. Acquitted at Nuremberg. Died in 1970.

- Franz von Papen: Former vice chancellor. Acquitted. Died in 1969.

- Hans Fritzsche: Director of radio propaganda. Acquitted. Died in 1953.

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