Youths from Monument Park Stake spent a recent Saturday making a difference in the lives of children and the elderly.

As part of the national "Make a Difference Day," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints youth visited and brought "Angel Almond" bags with treats and activity booklets to the children at the homeless shelter, where they played games and sang together. The youths also visited Shriners' Hospital, the Sara Daft Home and Highland Care Center.Lewis Brothers Stages donated a driver and bus to transport the youths.

Opportunities abound to volunteer time, services and a variety of items.

Did you know that there are many programs in our community that can help people deal with violence, whether it's child abuse, domestic violence or gang violence? Call the Information and Referral Center at 978-3333 for more information.

For information about listings in the Helping Hand column, call 978-2452.

Visit homebound, chronically ill patients.

Do outreach to the bereaved.

Lead tours, teach children about art. Public speaking required.

Play chess at area nursing home.

Build and repair homes for Habitat for Humanity.

Manage office, coordinate volunteers.

Office administrator, campaign representative needed.

Repair camper for handicapped family.

Support Junior Jazz team of at-risk community.

Assist victims of domestic violence.

Visit hospital patients.

Transport patients to cancer treatments.

Animal trainers and handlers needed for program that aids people with physical and emotional disabilities.

Help the elderly and low income with tax preparation.

Volunteer in healthy-lifestyle clinic.

Do office work. Some can be done from home.

Coordinate telephone reports between schools and peer court.

Be a grant writer.

Manage account for international agency. Campaign planning, evaluation.

Take minutes at monthly advisory board meeting.

Do data entry.

Do school presentations, staff exhibits, conduct nature walks for aviary.

Teach English as a second language.

Visit with a 72-year-old woman.

Provide respite visits to homebound seniors.

Help Pre-Trial Services and become literacy volunteer.

Staff telephones. Four-hour shifts, flexible times.

Check payroll, assist in office and with clients.

Pass out flyers and distribute posters.

Register, time racers and help serve food during run/walk for charity.

Cover recess from 11:30 to noon at elementary school.

Tutor students.

Provide income tax help. Training.

Help produce TV show, answer phones.

Give blankets, backpacks and sleeping bags for homeless youths.

Be secretary at rehab center.

Visit care center residents.

Knit or crochet sweaters or afghans for the ill, elderly and homeless. Yarn provided.

Do data entry. Basic typing skills. Flexible daytime hours.

Host troubled youths temporarily for two to 14 days in your home. Training.

Be foster care review board panelist.

Help clean up after fire at youth club.

Be senior citizen activity coordinator.

Help adults finish GED requirements.

Read one hour a day to nursing home resident.

Coordinate and give monthly library talks.

Do repair work for disabled woman.

Wash windows and walls for frail elderly folks.

Manage projects and write articles on environmental education. Three hours a week.

Be lunch recess assistant.

Help Vietnamese refugees learn bus routes, find way around city.

Help Salvation Army organize Christmas programs. Interviewers, computer entry, appointment takers. Training in September.

Teach horseback riding.

Educate military and public about disaster preparedness. Training.

Do office work, data entry.

Work in hospital waiting room, patient registration. Daytime shift.

Provide customer service in various hospital departments.

Give working washing machine.

Van needed to help inmates get to job assignments.

Provide lift chair for elderly client.

Donate tumbling mats.

Give television.

Donate tap shoes, dance clothes and mats for children.

Provide yarn for elderly.

Donate single bed quilts.

Give bath chair for disabled woman.

Provide toiletries, socks, underwear.

Donate backpacks, blankets and sleeping bags.

Give baby cribs.

Donate truck that runs to LifeCare Services.

Provide delivery truck.

Give Microsoft Access, software data base.

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Provide books, playing cards and plants.

Donate candy.

Give fax machine.

Provide working washer, dryer and stove.

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