"It was like a stake conference at the temple," said stake Pres. John R. Thomas of the Slidell Louisiana Stake, in describing a recent temple trip. Some 400 stake members, including families with children, traveled 500 miles to the Atlanta Georgia Temple. Some traveled in groups while others car-pooled from their "tip of the boot" location in Louisiana, bordering the Gulf of Mexico.
Travel brought some challenges. The car of JoBeth Spiers and her daughter, Becky, 15, developed mechanical problems just before the trip began. At the last minute, they received a phone call from a member in another ward who offered them a ride in their van."I had a burning desire to go," said Becky. "It was the best temple trip I have ever been on."
A few other families experienced automobile difficulties that delayed them, but all were able to complete the trip and do the work they had prepared.
"Filled to capacity" was a familiar phrase at the temple as endowment and sealing rooms filled up with friends for live ordinances. During the two-day excursion, many ordinances for the living and for the dead were performed.
"I could have stayed for a week at the temple with my family and friends," said Ralph Price, a stake member. "It was very spiritual."
One ward brought its youth for the annual youth visit to the temple. This ward, the Hammond Ward, had nearly 100 of its members attend.
"When the youth began preparing for the trip, the parents and other family members became excited and started to prepare," said Bishop Mark R. Denison.
As the parents spent time in the temple, their young children toured the temple grounds. They ended their tour by singing "I Love to See the Temple" for Pres. L. Kay Guyman, a counselor in the temple presidency.
Elder Stephen D. Nadauld of the Seventy and president of the North America Southeast Area, in a letter complimenting the stake for its successful activity, wrote: "These activities are a challenge to organize and pull off, but what a blessing they are to so many."