Christmas is upon us and time is running out for last-minute gardening gifts. Perusing different nurseries, garden centers and catalogs is like being in a toy store as a child. It's difficult to make decisions on what to buy for your favorite gardener. Because gardens are different, gardeners have different ideas as to their needs, wants and desires.
The three categories may seem to fall into one, but a gardener's needs are minimal. A digging tool, a cultivating tool and something to deliver water fill the true needs. In some cases, equipment such as a sprayer and rake may be added. When it comes to wants and desires, however, the sky is the limit.If Santa were to interview gardeners, the lists would go on and on. At the high end of the wish list, is more land, a greenhouse, a tropical paradise, a tractor or a remarkable transformation of their disgusting dirt into deep, black, loamy soil. For most gardeners, this list will go unanswered.
More moderate wishes probably include various power tools. Although this is not the tiller season, a few gardeners will get this as their Christmas wish. If you are shopping for a tiller, select one that fits the garden and the operator. Larger tillers with 8, 10 or 12 horsepower engines, are best for larger gardens with robust operators. Smaller operators with smaller gardens would be more comfortable with a smaller tiller. Some top-of-the-line tillers offer multiple attachments including mowers, snowblowers and cultivators. Although these are useful, choose your machine carefully to fit your needs and budget.
Other popular power tools for gifts include string trimmers, hedge clippers, chain saws and power blowers. Each has a place in the garden, but recognize the limitations of each tool.
String trimmers make short work of weeds along fences and grass along the edge of sidewalks or other obstructions. They can do serious damage to young trees, shrubs and other desirable plants.
Power hedge clippers make trimming formal hedges a much easier task but they are often used improperly. Many plants that would be best left unpruned or pruned to a natural shape, fall victim to their shearing action. Over-pruning is a sad and unalterable consequence when the task is too easy. Chain saws also make it far easier to over-prune when little or no sweat goes into making the cuts. Power blowers are not likely to cause much damage and may simplify some tasks. Because many power tools often go unused, it is often a good idea to try one at the dealer or at a neighbor's before making the final purchase.
Hand tools haven't changed much for many years, but it may be time to replace worn tools. One improvement I personally like is the fiberglass handle available on shovels, rakes, spades, hoes and forks. These are stronger and "guaranteed forever," if you buy the right brand. This is a feature I find very appealing considering the number of handles I've broken over the years. The handles remain smooth without slivers.
I find a digging fork indispensable for garden tasks. These tools are a mainstay in European gardens, but, for some reason, are less popular here. They are unsurpassed for turning over flower beds, dividing large perennials or digging root crops.
One other excellent garden gift is a new pruning saw. Newer models have sharper double cut teeth with a more aggressive set. This allows a faster, easier cut. I have a folding model with a special clip that locks the blade in place. It outperforms saws twice its size and is much easier to use standing on the ground or while on a ladder. A pole pruner is also very helpful for anyone with trees ten to 15 feet high. It facilitates pruning smaller trees without climbing on a ladder.
Don't overlook the many gardening books that are so comforting and informative during the winter. Check out the new Sunset Western Garden Book and other Sunset titles as well as the Ortho, HP, Burpee, Fine Gardening and the Storey Communications Garden books on a myriad of garden subjects. Taylor's Garden Guides, Taylor's Gardening Encyclopedia and the American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening are also choice garden gifts.
Don't neglect your favorite gardener even if you have to shop for yourself! After all, who knows better how to make you happy and make your gardening tasks easier? Garden gifts make fun surprises during the holiday season and keep on giving for years and years each time they are used in your garden.