As snowmobilers prepare for a new season on Utah's slopes and trails, Utah State Parks and Recreation reminds riders that a fun trip can turn tragic if snowmobilers head into the backcountry unprepared.

"Now's the time to prepare for a great winter season," said Scott Behunin, off-highway vehicle coordinator with Utah State Parks and Recreation.Behunin offered these tips to snowmobilers:

- Let someone know where you're going and when you expect to be back. Never ride alone.

- Watch your fuel supply. Ride only to a point where the fuel gauge reads one-half, then follow your tracks back to the trailhead.

- Dress for changing weather conditions. Layered clothing allows riders to adjust as temperature and weather conditions change. Always wear a helmet when operating.

- Be familiar with your machine. Know its fuel capacity and basic maintenance procedures. Carry spark plugs, drive belts, a tool kit and a survival kit.

- Check weather and avalanche danger forecasts. Avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Behunin also listed 10 essentials for winter survival snowmobilers should carry when riding:

Map; compass; flashlight; extra food; extra clothing; sunglasses; first aid kit; pocket knife; waterproof matches; candles or fire starters.

To help young riders learn safe and responsible snowmobiling, the DPR provides "Know Before You Go!" education classes at training sites statewide.

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"The purpose of the course is to make young snowmobilers aware of the importance of safe riding," said Garth Taylor, OHV education specialist with DPR.

To legally operate a snowmobile on public land in Utah all riders, from the age of eight until a Utah driver license is obtained, must successfully complete the course. Operators under age eight can not operate a snowmobile on public land.

To receive certification in the course, snowmobilers must pass a written test and attend a half-day riding class. A workbook is available from DPR to help students prepare.

People in the Salt Lake City area can receive the workbook, class registration forms and training site locations, by calling the DPR's OHV Information Center at 538-RIDE (7433). Those outside of Salt Lake City can reach the office at 1-800-OHV-RIDE (648-7433).

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