If life were not so complicated, state employees and teachers would soon be getting the 4 percent pay raise voted by the Legislature.

But it's more complicated than that because the 4 percent increase in the state compensation package is subject to a number of variables.For example, teacher salaries are set by local school boards, so their share of the 4 percent pool may be distributed in any number of ways.

And state employees may actually see only 3.67 percent more in their paychecks, the rest possibly going to cover an increase in retirement fund and health premiums.

As originally proposed in the appropriations bill, up to 0.33 percent was set aside for selective bonuses, meaning that some employees may be receiving more than 4 percent while others get less.

An amendment by House Minority Whip Kelly Atkinson, D-West Jordan, would have applied the $1.4 million in bonus money across the board. The catch was there might not have been anything left over after the higher retirement and health premiums were paid.

Nevertheless, it's what the employees wanted, Atkinson said after his amendment failed.

The governor, other elected officials and state judges will be getting a 3-percent pay raise. Only Attorney General Jan Graham's raise was questioned.

Rep. Norm Nielsen, R-Orem, attempted to amend the executive salary bill to exclude Graham, a Democrat, from the pay hike, saying, "No raise based on performance, or lack thereof."

A number of Democrats and even a few Republicans rose to Graham's defense, however, and Nielsen's amendment failed.

Last year, the compensation package for state employees and teachers amounted to 4.5 percent, 3 percent for elected officials and judges.



Pay raises

- State employees will receive an overall pay and benefits increase of 4 percent.

- Public schoolteachers will negotiate with their districts for the 4-percent in the compensation pool.

- Elected officials and judges will get a 3-percent pay hike.

- Legislators did not give themselves a raise.

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Salary 3% raise

Governor $79,600 $81,988

Lt. governor $61,800 $63,654

Attorney general $67,000 $69,010

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