Unofficial list of bills passed into law by the 1995 Utah Legislature:
Senate bills
SB1 (Beattie) - Requires that certain legislation be introduced by Dec. 1 prior to a general legislative session.
SB2 (Stephenson) - Requires that certain public notice be given before local governments can issue public debt.
SB3 (Stephenson) - Modifies the definition of independent contractor in the Employment Security Act.
SB4 (Black) - Makes towing, impounding and storage fees a possessory lien on a vehicle and restricts the powers of local authorities for tow trucks.
SB5 (Holmgren) - Deletes the sunset date requiring that a portion of the motor fuel tax be diverted to the off-highway vehicle account.
SB6 (Stephenson) - Amends land use planning provisions to give notice to residents of adjacent municipalities.
SB7 (C. Peterson) - Outlines the process of budgeting for legislative interim committees.
SB12 (Myrin) - Changes the name of the Traffic Signal Coordinating Committee to the Traffic Management Committee and expands its duties and membership.
SB13 (Hillyard) - Extends the pilot program for the treatment of juvenile sex offenders to 1996 and expands participation in the program.
SB14 (Myrin) - Moves weapons provisions from the wildlife code to the general weapons section of Utah law.
SB15 (Steele) - Increases the license reinstatement fee after an alcohol offense.
SB16 (Steele) - Provides that the court may not appoint a guardian for a minor of school age unless it finds the appointment is sought for a primary purpose other than obtaining resident status for the minor to attend a public school or obtain other public benefits.
SB17 (Mantes) - Clarifies the treatment of sales-leaseback financing.
SB18 (Myrin) - Provides definitions and clarifications regarding where a concealed weapon may be carried.
SB20 (Watson) - Extends the sunset date of agencies, programs and statutes related to various state agencies.
SB21 (Stephenson) - Creates the Parental Involvement in Public Education Task Force.
SB23 (Dmitrich) - Increases the amount of interest income that may be credited to the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund.
SB24 (Buhler) - Makes technical amendments to state revenue and taxation laws.
SB25 (Buhler) - Extends to the Board of Regents the authority to issue revenue bonds of up to $6 million for a Human Resource Research Center at Utah State University, $21 million for a biology research center at the University of Utah, $12 million for the renovation of Rice Stadium and $3.3 million for the construction of a student center at the College of Eastern Utah.
SB26 (Steele) - Requires school districts to provide appropriate inservice training for teachers related to teaching values and qualities of character in the public schools.
SB30 (Steiner) - Repeals and re-enacts certain provisions related to post-conviction statute of limitations.
SB32 (Blackham) - Provides for the teaching of respect for and understanding of the Declaration of Independence in the public schools.
SB33 (Watson) - Repeals regulations of the Division of Consumer Protection related to transient vendors.
SB34 (Steele) - Authorizes the purchase of retirement credits and for conversion to the noncontributory retirement system.
SB35 (Watson) - Modifies definitions of credit service organizations and expands the enforcement powers of the Division of Consumer Protection.
SB36 (Steiner) - Modifies the membership of the Strategic Planning Task Force for Public and Higher Education.
SB37 (Buhler) - Allows purchasers of alcohol to use checks and credit cards.
SB38 (Hillyard) - Requires the Tax Review Commission to study the taxation of telecommunications and to make a report to an interim legislative committee.
SB39 (Watson) - Modifies exemptions from registration and the right of recision related to the Department of Commerce.
SB40 (Mantes) - Removes wholesale motor vehicle auctions from certain title requirements.
SB41 (Watson) - Amends definitions related to commerce and trade, clarifies the deposit the fees and amends requirements to file with the Division of Consumer Protection.
SB42 (Montgomery) - Creates a controlled substance database regarding prescription drug usage, and defines who has access to the information stored in the database.
SB43 (Hillyard) - Modifies the sales tax exemption for sprays and insecticides, tangible personal farm property and the seasonal sale of crops.
SB45 (Black) - Exempts the Utah Highway Patrol from penalty provisions related to registration of vehicles after establishing residency.
SB46 (Black) - Establishes certain eligibility criteria for membership in the public safety retirement system.
SB47 (Myrin) - Makes federally recognized Indian tribes eligible to enter into interlocal cooperative agreements.
SB48 (Rees) - Increases certain court filing fees to fund the Division of Facilities, Construction and Management Capital Projects Fund and the state courts complex restricted account, and authorizes the deposit of in and bail money into the account.
SB50 (McAllister) - Authorizes the Utah Statehood Centennial Commission to borrow money from the state under certain circumstances and appropriates $1 million to the commission.
SB53 (Mansell) - Changes the regulation of the Aftermarket Crash Parts Act from the Division of Consumer Protection to the Department of Insurance.
SB54 (Mansell) - Modifies the definition of health spa and amends the regulation of contracts for health spa services.
SB55 (Blackham) - Creates the Land Conservation Task Force to study the preservation of agricultural open space.
SB56 (Montgomery) - Increases the exemption for residential property from the current 32 percent to 40 percent.
SB57 (Montgomery) - Amends provisions regarding the accreditation and oversight of mammography facilities.
SB60 (Holmgren) - Provides technical corrections to fee references in the Utah Code.
SB61 (Montgomery) - Reauthorizes the Property Tax Task Force.
SB62 (Hillyard) - Creates the uniform Transfer on Death Security Registration Act and provides for the transfer of securities upon the death of the owner of the securities.
SB63 (Watson) - Establishes minimum distances for the placement of certain structures or underground facilities near natural gas or transmission lines.
SB64 (Hillyard) - Creates the Juvenile Sex Offender Authority to supervise and coordinate the prosecution and treatment of juvenile sex offenders.
SB66 (Hillyard) - Allows the state Tax Commission access to certain private financial information.
SB67 (Hull) - Amends the procedures to obtain wildlife license plates.
SB70 (Watson) - Clarifies the purpose of the Department of Financial Institutions, permits the regulation of interstate operations, allows institutions to engage in interstate acquisition, branching and other activities, and makes numerous other amendments to Utah law related to financial institutions.
SB71 (Hillyard) - Provides the standards for administration and interpretation of chemical and forensic analysis of controlled substances and related contraband.
SB72 (Wharton) - Repeals the sunset date for the Women, Infants and Children emergency funding account.
SB73 (Hillyard) - Repeals loitering provisions in Utah's criminal code.
SB74 (Dmitrich) - Establishes a $1 fee for playing golf at Green River State Park.
SB76 (McAllister) - Modifies legislative approval requirements for internal service fund agency staffing.
SB77 (McAllister) - Modifies membership provisions for the Utah Tomorrow Strategic Planning Committee.
SB81 (C. Peterson) - Increases the number of 4th District judges from nine to 11, increases the number of 5th District juvenile judges from one to two, and increases the number of Court of Appeals judges from seven to eight.
SB82 (C. Peterson) - Enacts the Digital Signatures Act that allows the use of computerized signatures in some instances.
SB84 (Holmgren) - Creates the Environmental Self-Evaluation Act to enhance the environment through voluntary compliance with environmental laws.
SB85 (Black) - Revises the verification and certification requirements for initiatives and referenda, and modifies procedures when a petition is found insufficient.
SB87 (Hillyard) - Permits the use of affidavits for default divorce decrees, replaces six court commissioners with six district court judges and sets restrictions on the rulemaking authority of the Judicial Council to delegate authority to court commissioners.
SB88 (Hillyard) - Provides authority for the revocation of fish and game licenses, permits, tags and certificates of registration.
SB89 (Stephenson) - Modifies the disallowance for non-reporting of certain sales tax exemptions.
SB90 (Taylor) - Allows prosecutors to appeal the dismissal of criminal charges by a judge or magistrate.
SB92 (Money) - Creates the crime of influencing, impeding or retaliating against a judge or a member of the Board of Pardons.
SB93 (Myrin) - Requires the Division of Wildlife Resources to remove wildlife causing damage to cultivated crops.
SB95 (Mansell) - Regulates capital improvement and impact fees imposed by cities, counties and local taxing units, and establishes a maximum impact fee.
SB96 (Beattie) - Provides for the concurrent collection of criminal fines, penalties and forfeitures with surcharges, and establishes a distribution formula with local government entities.
SB97 (Blackham) - Amends the duties of the Utah prosecution Council, requiring the council to contract with counties and pay for legal defense counsel for any inmate who commits a crime within a state prison.
SB98 (Taylor) - Changes the place of filing a peace bond and provides for quick court information without charge.
SB99 (C. Peterson) - Modifies the qualifications for constructions trades licensure.
SB100 (Steele) - Provides that revenues from the sale of sovereign state lands shall be deposited in the Sovereign Lands Management Account.
SB101 (Stewart) - Revises notice and consent requirements regarding unmarried biological fathers in adoption cases, and defines the rights, limitations and responsibilities of putative fathers.
SB103 (Hillyard) - Authorizes library special service districts.
SB104 (Stephenson) - Changes the Tax Commission's authority to make rules from mandatory to optional.
SB105 (Stephenson) - Expands the sales tax exemption for machinery and equipment used in manufacturing processes to include replacement parts.
SB107 (Stephenson) - Establishes exclusive dates for special elections and defines the legal effect of certain special elections.
SB108 (Myrin) - Transfers the positions of state paleontologist and state archaeologist from the Division of State History to the Utah Geological Survey.
SB109 (Watson) - Requires interaction between the Constitutional Defense Council and the attorney general.
SB110 (Mantes) - Amends certain vehicle registration classifications, requirements and procedures.
SB111 (Hillyard) - Amends the judicial code so that district courts have exclusive jurisdiction over homicides, including provisions for juveniles with prior confinement records. The bill also allows adult charges to be filed against juveniles in the juvenile court system.
SB115 (Howell) - Makes amendments to the administration of the Residence Lien Recovery Fund.
SB117 (Buhler) - Creates a restricted account to be used to promote work place safety and allows that a portion of the Workers' Compensation premium go to that account.
SB118 (Buhler) - Repeals certain authority of the Public Service Commission over common carriers, street railroads, aircraft carriers and aerial bucket tramways.
SB119 (C. Peterson) - Provides a $810,000 appropriation for a statewide engineering initiative and to aid engineering programs at higher education institutions.
SB121 (Stewart) - Prohibits the recovery of medical payments for minors in certain instances.
SB122 (Hillyard) - Requires property tax clearances prior to moving a mobile home.
SB123 (Steele) - Modifies the procedure for a finding of permanent total disability and requires the disabled to work part-time to offset disability payments.
SB124 (Buhler) - Modifies how penalties are calculated under the state's uninsured employer laws.
SB125 (Steele) - Authorizes the Industrial Commission to approve final settlement of Workers' Compensation claims in certain circumstances.
SB126 (Steele) - Modifies the exclusion from Workers' Compensation coverage of sole proprietors and partnerships, and allows the recovery from the Uninsured Employers Fund by partnerships and sole proprietors.
SB127 (Steele) - Clarifies the Industrial Commission's regulation of physicians.
SB128 (Buhler) - Denies Workers Compensation benefits to those who injury or occupational disease is caused by or related to use of illegal drugs, abuse of drugs, or alcohol.
SB130 (Buhler) - Provides conditions under which mental stress is compensable under Workers' Compensation.
SB132 (C. Peterson) - Modifies the membership provisions for the Children's Justice Advisory Board.
SB133 (Taylor) - Amends state law related to land use development plans by cities and towns, modifying hearing requirements for subdivision plat changes, clarifying county jurisdiction and expanding planning commission review powers.
SB135 (Watson) - Requires that cities notify and consult with the owners or operators of underground facilities prior to vacating, widening or narrowing a street.
SB136 (Howell) - Regulates the acquisition of voting power pursuant to revocable proxy and modifies the circumstances under which an acquisition of shares in a public corporation does not constitute a control shares acquisition.
SB137 (McAllister) - Prohibits a state, city or town from requiring specific wages or benefits from its contractors.
SB138 (Blackham) - Requires tax clearances for certain properties and simplifies the tax lien process for delinquent parcels by eliminating preliminary tax sales to counties.
SB145 (McAllister) - Modifies procedures relating to expenditures of dedicated credits in the state budget.
SB146 (Holmgren) - Provides that interest earned on all monies in the Water Resources Construction Fund and the Water Resources Cities Water Loan Fund shall accrue to those funds.
SB149 (Money) - Amends the judicial code so that agricultural operations conducted on farm lands are presumed to be reasonable and do not constitute a nuisance unless the operation has a substantial adverse effect on public health and safety.
SB151 (Montgomery) - Provides that records of the Senate and House Ethics Committees and the Senate Confirmation Committee remain confidential.
SB152 (Watson) - Amends the duties of the Department of Corrections to include presentence investigative reports.
SB155 (McAllister) - Provides for the extension and expansion of the Foster Care Citizen Review Panel pilot project.
SB156 (Taylor) - Creates the Utah Business Trust Registration Act and establishes registration requirements and procedures.
SB157 (Hillyard) - Modifies the uniform fee on tangible personal property.
SB159 (Hillyard) - Amends the corporate tax code, imposing a tax on homeowner's taxation, provides a carry-over for unused charitable contributions, clarifies the taxation of real estate investment trusts and amends payment and penalty requirements.
SB161 (Richards) - Modifies dates for certain filings for elective office.
SB162 (Myrin) - Creates the Uinta Basin Revitalization Fund and appropriates $400,000 to the fund for economic development in that region.
SB163 (Hillyard) - Allows county assessors to immediately seize personal property of delinquent taxpayers in certain situations.
SB169 (Howell) - Provides rulemaking authority to the Crime Victims Board to set criteria for paying for medical exams.
SB170 (Taylor) - Provides that the boundaries of certain water and sewer improvement districts do not need to be contiguous.
SB173 (Montgomery) - Amends state laws regarding the donation of human body parts after death.
SB175 (Poulton) - Amends insurance laws for the regulation of a licensee's name, modifies the insurance commissioner's power to contract for legal services and clarifies the status of insurance fraud investigators employed by the commissioner.
SB177 (Hillyard) - Amends the state income tax law for estates and trusts.
SB178 (Taylor) - Prohibits liability for employers who provide good-faith references regarding employees.
SB186 (Mansell) - Modifies reporting requirements for title insurance agents.
SB187 (McAllister) - Reauthorizes the rules of state agencies.
SB188 (Dmitrich) - Amends provisions related to the abuse or neglect of a disabled child.
SB192 (Mantes) - Amends application requirements for property tax assessment hearings.
SB196 (Watson) - Creates the Environmental Health Scientist Act and establishes procedures for licensure of environmental health scientists.
SB197 (C. Peterson) - Establishes a Utah home for veterans, creates admission criteria and appropriates $1.8 million to fund the facility.
SB202 (Mansell) - Appropriates $85,000 to Salt Lake Community College to establish a small business development center.
SB209 (Black) - Allows the Division of Parks and Recreation to issue revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $2.5 million for a new golf course at Wasatch Mountain State Park.
SB210 (Holmgren) - Clarifies the minimum age at which someone can operate a boat and requires boat operators to take a boating safety course.
SB211 (C. Peterson) - Amends state privacy laws to restrict access to the crime victim's address, telephone number and victim-impact statement, and makes numerous other amendments related to victims rights.
SB215 (Rees) - Funds public education for fiscal year 1995-96.
SB217 (McAllister) - Funds in a supplemental appropriations act the operation of state government.
SB221 (Money) - Establishes requirements for health maintenance organizations with regards to obstetricians and gynecologists.
SB225 (N. Tanner) - Appropriates $1.5 million for a multipurpose facility in Ogden.
SB226 (Steiner) - Voids the venue and choice of law provisions related to contracts on real property.
SB228 (Montgomery) - Clarifies national standards for accrediting health care facilities with the Department of Corrections.
SB229 (Rees) - Amends liability provisions regarding hazardous substances mitigation actions.
SB241 (Taylor) - Amends the size of recreation boards and changes the uses of capital projects funds by special service districts.
SB244 (Beattie) - Allows the governor or the Legislature to void certain settlement agreements arising from litigation involving the state, and requires legislative and gubernatorial review of settlement agreements.
SB248 (Mansell) - Provides procedures for reconveying trust deeds and mortgages by a title agent or title insurer.
SB250 (C. Peterson) - Amends state law regarding the designation of agents or brokers.
SB254 (Blackham) - Establishes property tax rates and the minimum school levy.
SB263 (Mantes) - Repeals a provision of state law that states the transfer of a vehicle is not effective until the Motor Vehicle Division issues a new certificate of title and registration.
SB265 (Hillyard) - Repeals an uncodified portion of state code.
SB272 (Blackham) - Provides a sales-tax exemption for construction materials used on certain government projects.
SB273 (Poulton) - Provides a sales-tax exemption for school fund-raising activities.
SB289 (Hillyard) - Provides a definition of manufactured home and provides an exemption from the sales and use tax for the sale of manufactured homes.
SCR1 (Steele) - Encourages public education to take full advantage of the developing the electronic highway to provide high quality statewide educational services.
SCR2 (McAllister) - Resolution calling for integration of Utah Tomorrow principles into governmental processes.
SCR3 (Steele) - Resolution accepting the final Higher Education Strategic Planning Report and the Higher Education Strategic Plan.
SCR4 (McAllister) - Encourages the implementation of certain Utah Tomorrow vision statements, goals and objectives related appropriations by state government.
SCR5 (Steele) - Resolution endorsing the safe school/community philosophy as an effective means to address societal problems and preserve the potential of our youth.
SCR87 (Beattie) - Authorizes the selection of delegates to participate in a national Conference of the States.
SJR1 (Beattie) - Provides for review of bills with different recommendations by interim committees.
SJR2 (Mantes) - Revises the powers and duties of the Executive Appropriates Committee.
SJR4 (Beattie) - Reappoints Leo Memmott as legislative fiscal analyst.
SJR5 (Black) - A proposed constitutional amendment to allow property tax exemptions for disabled persons who served in military service.
SJR6 (Holmgren) - Amends the Utah Rules of Evidence, creating the Environmental Self-Evaluation privilege.
SJR10 (Dmitrich) - Recognizes the town of Big Water as Utah's official gateway community to Lake Powell and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
SR1 (Beattie) Allows the Senate president to assign and prioritize bills.
SR2 (Holmgren) - Revises Senate rules.
House bills
HB1 (Haymond) - Allows the State Library Division to use electronic networks.
HB2 (Garn) - Establishes the Education Technology Initiative project within the state Office of Education.
HB3 (Harward) - Defines conflicts of interest for legislators.
HB5 (Olsen) - Provides additional information to the governor and Legislature for preparation of the five-year building plan regarding costs involved in housing additional employees.
HB6 (Smith) - Deletes the term "settlement conference" and inserts the term "initial hearing" related to the revenue and taxation code.
HB9 (R. Evans) - Creates an independent internal audit organization to assist in improving agency operations related to state government.
HB12 (Dillree) - Permits trustees to vote by proxy in corporations.
HB14 (J. Tanner) - Requires that any expenditure to benefit public officials or members of their families of greater than $50 be disclosed.
HB16 (M. Johnson) - Specifies requirements for the position of the director of the Division of Wildlife Resources.
HB17 (Carnahan) - Allows the state Office of Education to become an on-line terminal agency with the Department of Public Safety's Law Enforcement and Technical Services Division to help provide relevant information to school districts on current or prospective employees.
HB18 (J. Tanner) - Adopts the uniform code for the abatement of dangerous buildings as a construction standard.
HB19 (Killpack) - Provides that unincorporated areas annexed into a city may not become part of the city's school district unless approved by a vote of the city's school board.
HB20 (Haymond) - Defines the term "individual with a disability" and establishes an income tax credit to employers who hire individuals with disabilities.
HB21 (Haymond) - Requires revenue from the sale or lease of Utah State Developmental Center lands to be deposited in a restricted account.
HB22 (Barth) - Requires community service for speeding through a school zone and amends minimum fine provisions.
HB23 (N. Stephens) - Makes technical amendments regarding the Rural Medicine Financial Assistance Committee.
HB26 (Haymond) - Amends requirements under which an insurer's investment securities may be held.
HB27 (S. Allen) - Requires applicants for teacher certification to provide the administrator of teacher certification with an affidavit regarding the current status of any educational certification the applicant holds or has held in another jurisdiction.
HB28 (M. Johnson) - Appropriates $243,000 from the general fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the study of the Navajo aquifer as a potential source of water.
HB32 (Garn) - Prohibits counties, cities or school districts from imposing school impact fees.
HB33 (Haymond) - Provides that students who graduate after the conclusion of the 11th grade may receive centennial scholarship payments during the current or following fiscal year.
HB34 (Dillree) - Modifies the political party consideration for appointments of local government members of the Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations.
HB35 (Jones) - Renames the Housing Trust Fund to the Olene Walker Housing Trust Fund.
HB36 (Haymond) - Provides standards for the determination of alimony.
HB37 (Larson) - Amends Utah law regarding robbery to include theft in some circumstances.
HB41 (Garn) - Provides that conduct and discipline policies in public schools include procedures and standards for dealing with student conduct off campus if the conduct threatens harm to persons or property.
HB42 (Protzman) - Modifies the composition of the Institutional Council for the Schools for the Deaf and Blind.
HB44 (Jensen) - Clarifies the process for selecting county members of a transit district board.
HB46 (Hickman) - Amends provisions regarding sentencing as a habitual violent offender.
HB48 (R. Evans) - Adds a performance audit function within the Department of Transportation.
HB50 (Bowman) - Amends the provisions requiring the filing of certain mining information with the county recorder to more closely conform to provisions of federal mining law.
HB52 (Matthews) - Directs the Utah Geological Survey to develop a paleontology certification program.
HB54 (Waddoups) - Mandates that city and county gun control laws cannot be more strict than those passed by the state.
HB55 (R. Evans) - Amends procedures for collecting certain motor vehicle fees.
HB56 (Adair) - Exempts home medical equipment from sales and use taxes.
HB57 (Jensen) - Provides that the public education system shall guard the privacy of students, their parents and their families against unnecessary or unlawful governmental intrusion.
HB58 (Bradshaw) - Recodifies certain sections of Utah's election law.
HB59 (Ure) - Authorizes the creation of county planning districts to be governed by planning commissions.
HB60 (Suazo) - Creates the Utah Professional Boxing Regulation Act and the Utah Boxing Commission.
HB61 (Harward) - Reduces the amount the state Tax Commission retains to administer local sales and use taxes.
HB63 (Hunsaker) - Amends the Medical Benefits Recovery Act to address federal requirements.
HB64 (M. Johnson) - Requires the Department of Human Resource Management to keep certain records about employee disciplinary actions.
HB65 (M. Johnson) - Appropriates $7,500 to the Department of Agriculture to promote holistic resource management.
HB67 (Ellertson) - Changes the interlocal agreement for counties with emissions inspection and maintenance programs from mandatory to voluntary.
HB69 (Brown) - Restricts the use of railroad property.
HB70 (Waddoups) - Alters requirements for a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
HB71 (Jensen) - Amends provisions for late or underpaid taxes.
HB73 (Davis) - Amends definitions of custodial property and provides procedures for animal control officers regarding stray dogs and cats.
HB75 (Short) - Changes the percentage amounts schools are required to provide to receive funds for a gang prevention and intervention program.
HB76 (K. Johnson) - Provides that the state Board of Education is directly responsible for the education of individuals younger than age 21 who are in the custody of an agency of a Native American tribe that is the equivalent to the Department of Human Services.
HB77 (Davis) - Specifies conditions on grants for utility easements and allows for joint use of utility easements under certain circumstances.
HB78 (Valentine) - Provides a procedure for ordering testing of a person who exposes another person, public safety officer or emergency services provider to the HIV virus.
HB80 (Bodily) - Amends the definition of implement of husbandry and specifies escort vehicle requirements.
HB81 (Jones) - Increases the size of the Human Services Licensing Committee.
HB82 (Jones) - Clarifies fingerprinting requirements for child service providers.
HB83 (Hickman) - Provides procedures for the treatment of cashier, tellers and certified checks under certain circumstances.
HB84 (Ellertson) - Amends restitution provisions to include payment of restitution pursuant to a plea agreement.
HB85 (Bradshaw) - Designates the Board of Regents as the state postsecondary review entity and adds to the definitions in the Postsecondary Proprietary School Act.
HB86 (Pignanelli) - Amends the definition of a water vessel to exclude seaplanes and sailboards.
HB87 (Harward) - Makes corrections to certain provisions regarding licensure for providers of alternative dispute resolution.
HB88 (Harward) - Provides a basis for tax on a vehicle or vessel sold.
HB91 (Valentine) - Assigns lease responsibilities related to state buildings and provides a mechanism for review of certain leases.
HB94 (Ure) - Authorizes the Department of Environmental Quality to issue permits for and regulate sewage sludge management.
HB97 (Bodily) - Amends registration dates for passenger tramways.
HB98 (N. Stephens) - Clarifies the duties of the Division of Services to People with Disabilities with regard to education and outreach programs.
HB100 (Bowman) - Changes the membership of the Utah Fire Prevention Board and amends certain fireworks license provisions.
HB101 (Harward) - Clarifies prosecutorial authority to compromise charges against a witness who voluntarily agrees to testify.
HB102 (N. Stephens) - Provides for the regulation of prize notices by the Division of Consumer Protection.
HB103 (Ure) - Provides definitions of hotels and hotel keepers and specifies certain rights of innkeepers.
HB104 (Buffmire) - Ensures the provision of services to certain persons with disabilities.
HB105 (Ure) - Provides for the use and change in point of discharge of sewage effluent by municipalities.
HB106 (Wright) - Restructures the composition of the joint Liaison Committee for Public and Higher Education and orders the committee to coordinate and facilitate the appropriate governance of applied technology centers.
HB107 (Garn) - Changes the retirement benefits of a person retiring from an agency who is re-employed by that same or a different agency.
HB109 (Smith) - Changes the time periods for commencement of prosecution after facts have been reported on misuse of public monies, falsification or alteration of government records, and other offenses.
HB110 (Smith) - Amends the membership of the Rural Mental Health Therapist Financial Assistance Committee.
HB111 (B. Evans) - Changes the use to which unclaimed monies can be spent by government entities.
HB113 (Chard) - Amends restitution provisions to require the accrual of interest on restitution in criminal cases at the same rate it accrues in civil cases.
HB114 (R. Evans) - Expands the scope of the Orderly School Termination Procedures Act to include individuals employed by applied technology centers and schools for the deaf and blind.
HB115 (R. Evans) - Requires the state Tax Commission to notify sales tax license applicants of certain responsibilities.
HB118 (Carlson) - Increases the age of children effected by criminal non-support statutes and provides additional basis for third-degree felony charges.
HB119 (Suazo) - Expands the definition of steps necessary to ensure communication with deaf persons arrested for violating criminal laws.
HB120 (Valentine) - Provides a tax exemption for an authorized carrier over public highways.
HB121 (Hunsaker) - Modifies the trustees or conservator's standard of care and performance related to the Utah Probate Code.
HB124 (B. Evans) - Revises the powers and duties of the State Retirement Board and grants the board rulemaking authority.
HB129 (B. Johnson) - Requires Utah residents who harvest furbearing animals to complete a fur-harvester education course.
HB130 (Adair) - Clarifies pay period intervals related to the labor code and changes the timing for receiving wages after resignation.
HB131 (Bradshaw) - Revises and recodifies Utah's unclaimed property laws.
HB133 (Haymond) - Enacts new state laws regulating chiropractors, creates a licensing board and establishes penalties for those who fail to comply with the regulations.
HB134 (B. Johnson) - Defines what is a livestock dealer and amends provisions pertaining to issuance of dealers licenses.
HB135 (Jones) - Changes the notice requirements imposed prior to changing any special service district tax.
HB137 (Nelson) - Makes changes in the designation of state highways.
HB139 (Valentine) - Renumbers the Historic Preservation Credit as it relates to revenue and taxation laws.
HB140 (Dillree) - Allows emancipated minors to hold a drivers license without a cosigning adult.
HB141 (Styler) - Specifies requirements for publication of notice and filing of protests applicable to certain applications for water.
HB142 (Ure) - Amends the Interlocal Financing Authority Act to allow the option of selecting a representative from other than the governing body to sit on the board of trustees.
HB143 (Ure) - Provides an exemption from the agricultural rollback tax for conservation easements.
HB146 (D. Peterson) - Provides a definition of temporary employee for purposes of the Orderly School Termination Act.
HB147 (D. Peterson) - Makes technical changes related to the centennial license plate fee.
HB148 (Anderson) - Authorizes special group license plates.
HB149 (Anderson) - Allows indoor smoking by Native Americans participating in a religious ceremony.
HB150 (Valentine) - Makes technical corrections to the Utah Code.
HB155 (Oscarson) - Provides for licensing and registration of private investigators.
HB158 (Wright) - Exempts certain dairy calves from brand inspection prior to transfer of ownership.
HB161 (Dillree) - Deletes the requirement that special districts maintain a listing of recycled items and makes other changes to how special service districts conduct business.
HB163 (Dillree) - Adds disqualification offenses for commercial drivers licenses.
HB166 (Smith) - Clarifies the provisions pertaining to annexation that require a petition from 50 percent of the property owners with one-third value of the property before annexation may be accomplished.
HB167 (Valentine) - Amends the consolidation date of certain judicial districts, equalizes judicial salary provisions and permits new appointees to preside over both the circuit and district courts.
HB169 (Bradshaw) - Repeals a section of the Hearing Instrument Specialist Licensing Act that is obsolete.
HB170 (Styler) - Specifies services for which water and irrigation fees shall be charged by the state engineer.
HB172 (Jensen) - Provides a $4 million appropriation for additional resources at highly impacted schools to provide individual assistance to at-risk students.
HB178 (Wright) - Amends a provision regarding the assessment of underground storage tank fees.
HB184 (M. Johnson) - Appropriates $150,000 to legally protect the state's interests in preserving county ownership of dirt roads on public lands, called RS-2477 roads.
HB185 (Bresnahan) - Provides an increase in criminal sentences if a dangerous weapon is used during the commission of a crime.
HB186 (Bowman) - Amends certain highway patrol duties related to the enforcement of motor carrier laws.
HB187 (Valentine) - Provides additional debt and financing powers to entities created by interlocal agreement.
HB188 (Pignanelli) - Increases the fine from $50 to $100 for illegally parking in a handicapped parking stall.
HB189 (Pignanelli) - Prohibits contracts between certified shorthand reporters and any attorney or party having a financial interest in an action.
HB194 (Killpack) - Allows the Department of Corrections to require inmates to make reasonable co-payment for medical services.
HB204 (Harward) - Provides that each taxing entity shall distribute the revenue collected from the uniform fee on tangible personal property in proportion to real property tax collections.
HB205 (Short) - Modifies the definition of "restaurant" for the purposes of the tourism tax to not include popcorn and candy sales at movie theaters.
HB206 (Ellertson) - Requires that those convicted of misdemeanors be sentenced to facilities other than the Utah State Prison.
HB207 (Curtis) - Requires the service of expungement petitions on the Department of Corrections.
HB208 (Holladay) - Amends Utah law regarding asbestos removal to conform to federal law.
HB210 (Bigelow) - Amends provisions regarding installment payments and penalties related to revenue and taxation.
HB212 (Dillree) - Creates the Domestic Violence Intervention Task Force.
HB214 (Brown) - Amends the qualifications of notaries public to require they be registered voters or have permanent resident status.
HB215 (Anderson) - Amends procedures that allow legislative participation in resolving landfill siting disputes.
HB217 (Harward) - Clarifies benefits for state officials that are determined by the Legislature.
HB218 (Valentine) - Expands the uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage available to certain persons and designates certain primary and secondary coverage.
HB220 (Fox) - Repeals certain motor carrier provisions related to the regulation of prices, routes and services.
HB222 (Barth) - Requires domestic violence perpetrators to participate in electronic-monitoring programs upon order of the court.
HB224 (Waddoups) - Expands access to criminal history records for certain employment purposes related to national security, care or custody of children, a fiduciary trust over money or health care to children or vulnerable adults.
HB225 (Barth) - Provides formal referral and citation procedures, time limits and sanctions to expedite juvenile court cases.
HB229 (Dillree) - Appropriates $600,000 for a major transportation investment study, including railroad relocation and a West Davis Highway.
HB230 (Killpack) - Requires sex offenders to provide the Department of Corrections with all names and aliases and prohibits sex offenders from changing their name while under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections.
HB233 (Gubler) - Provides that incoming state school board members may vote for board officers in the elections are held subsequent to the election of the new board members but prior to the time they take office.
HB234 (Frandsen) - Appropriates $460,000 to Utah State University to provide matching money for federal grants to meet accreditation requirements.
HB235 (Larson) - Appropriates $125,000 for a Utah State Railroad Museum at Ogden's Union Station.
HB236 (Adair) - Requires state agencies to create rules governing the transfer of surplus property.
HB237 (Ellertson) - Makes technical amendments to provisions regarding the pleas of not guilty by reason of insanity.
HB239 (Frandsen) - Creates a uniform process to designate volunteer employment positions.
HB243 (Tyler) - Provides for the coordination of educational services with human service programs subject to licensure and requires that human services programs to provide evidence that children served will receive appropriate educational services.
HB244 (Olsen) - Makes various amendments to state law related to retail equipment dealers.
HB245 (Short) - Appropriates $300,000 to the Gang Prevention and Intervention Program in the public schools.
HB246 (Valentine) - Amends legislative findings, definitions, assessments and provider participation related to the Medicaid Hospital Temporary Assessment Act.
HB248 (Chard) - Modifies legislative membership on the Information Technology Commission.
HB250 (Bodily) - Combines the Board of Big Game Control with the Wildlife Board, and creates regional advisory councils.
HB252 (Mortimer) - Requires that Social Security numbers be used for marriage applications for use in child-support enforcement.
HB255 (Matthews) - Changes predator control fees and specifies animals subject to the fees and fee collection methods.
HB258 (Hunsaker) - Requires the Legislature to impose a certified revenue levy for education that is
subject to truth in taxation notifications and makes numerous other amendments to state property tax laws.
HB259 (Smith) - Modifies personnel management language to comply with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act and the Civil Rights Act.
HB262 (Buffmire) - Provides that public breastfeeding is not a violation of criminal law.
HB269 (B. Evans) - Requires that certain information regarding oil and gas royalty payments be reported on check stubs.
HB272 (M. Stephens) - Amends the law granting access to government records to permit the disclosure of gross salaries of all state employees, among other amendments.
HB273 (Chard) - Establishes qualifications, training and certification requirements for emergency dispatchers.
HB274 (Hickman) - Provides a sales tax exemption for construction materials purchased by a government entity.
HB278 (Carnahan) - Authorizes the Department of Human Resource Management to collect fees for training.
HB279 (Protzman) - Allows an individual and corporate income tax credit for contributions made to private providers of services to individuals with disabilities.
HB280 (Harward) - Modifies requirements for the annual employees benefits survey, and eliminates set percentage adjustments for promotions, reclassification or market adjustments related to the compensation of state employees.
HB281 (Short) - Expands the Youth Parole Authority from seven to 10 members.
HB282 (Harward) - Requires health insurance companies to provide coverage to unmarried dependents up to age 26.
HB284 (Valentine) - Modifies certain definitions related to mines, minerals and natural deposits as it applies to property taxes.
HB291 (Jensen) - Orders that criminal offenses committed while a defendant is imprisoned or on parole shall run consecutively with other sentences.
HB293 (Suazo) - Makes the terms and conditions of the disposal of properties by redevelopment agencies open public records, and allows a property owner to elect fair market value or replacement property acquired by eminent domain.
HB297 (Bowman) - Allows the use of televisions in vehicles under certain circumstances.
HB304 (Ure) - Amends certain definitions related to waste tires, and creates an $800,000 industrial loan fund for waste tire recycling, and appropriates $200,000 to research ways to promote waste tire recycling.
HB305 (Harward) - Amends the duties of the Health Department, authorizes the creation of a Health Quality Improvement pilot project and appropriates $500,000 to the program, requests a Medicaid waiver to expand Medicaid services, and appropriates $300,000 to area health education centers.
HB307 (Brown) - Amends state law related to school and institutional trust lands, exempting trust lands from certain environmental protections applicable to other state lands.
HB311 (Short) - Provides for public access to court records involving juveniles under specific circumstances.
HB312 (Fox) - Allows Utah Valley State College to use bond monies allocated to remodel the Signetics building to relocate its technical education programs at other designated sites.
HB313 (Haymond) - Provides for the commitment of minors to the state hospital.
HB314 (Dillree) - Expands the definition of domestic violence, mandates arrest and seizure of weapons in certain cases, and specifies the conditions of release for perpetrators of domestic violence.
HB316 (K. Johnson) - Creates the Native American Legislative Advisory Committee and appropriates $200,000 to the committee.
HB319 (B. Evans) - Defines the court-ordered visitation rights of grandparents.
HB329 (Mortimer) - Amends state laws related to child support, establishes parental liability for support of children who receive state services and allows court-ordered genetic testing to determine paternity.
HB333 (Barth) - Allows the Board of Pardons and Parole to extend jurisdiction until the expiration of criminal sentences to collect restitution.
HB334 (Haymond) - Amends procedures and requirements of the Child Welfare Reform Act.
HB336 (Styler) - Restructures hunting and fishing fees and licenses, abolishes the waterfowl stamp and creates a wildlife habitat account.
HB339 (Frandsen) - Creates the Children and Youth Task Force to recommend services and support for poor, neglected, abused and disabled children.
HB343 (Smith) - Creates a non-profit corporation to operate the state fair.
HB344 (Bigelow) - Provides a $4.5 million appropriation for teacher classroom supplies.
HB351 (Tuttle) - Provides for per diem payments for board members of certain special service districts.
HB354 (Chard) - Amends laws regarding easements around military bases.
HB359 (M. Stephens) - An appropriations act for general state government.
HB360 (M. Stephens) - Appropriates funds to the operation of state government in fiscal year 1995-96.
HB363 (R. Evans) - Appropriates $270,000 for a new shelter for victims of domestic violence.
HB364 (M. Stephens) - Deregulates local telephone service and provides for regulation of any telephone corporation with more than 20,000 access lines.
HB366 (Nielsen) - Provides that a marriage recognized in any other state or country may not be recognized in this state if it would be prohibited in this state.
HB369 (Curtis) - Toughens Utah law regarding money laundering.
HB377 (M. Stephens) - Creates a task force on the issue of county revenues.
HB378 (Adair) - Appropriates $125,000 for the retrieval, renovation and display of World War II aircraft for the Hill Air Force Base Museum.
HB380 (Haymond) - Appropriates $140,000 to a matching fund program for cultural facilities throughout the state.
HB383 (Protzman) - Appropriates $650,000 for support services and the establishment of local one-stop resource and career centers.
HB391 (Ellertson) - Creates a Building Inspector Licensing Board.
HB394 (Brown) - Defines the circumstances under which a notice of lien is required and prescribes effects of failure to notify.
HB396 (Fox) - Sets the salaries of executive state officers.
HB398 (Ellertson) - Modifies the Money Management Act and the powers of the state treasurer, and exempts certain higher education monies from investment restrictions.
HB401 (Wright) - Requires that fees collected from the disposal of commercial hazardous wastes, nonhazardous solid wastes and PCB wastes be placed in a restricted account.
HB402 (Goodfellow) - Clarifies the application of the Unauthorized Recording Practices Act and creates a crime of failure to disclose the origin of a recording.
HB408 (Ellertson) - Amends state law regarding land surveys and exempts resurveys from refiling procedures.
HB416 (B. Johnson) - Provides for the transfer of mineral lease funds to the Permanent Community Impact Fund.
HB418 (Protzman) - Requires that a percentage of monies appropriated for defense workers be used to fund job training, and creates a trust account for the preservation of Hill Air Force Base.
HB423 (Fox) - Provides a $250,000 appropriation to Utah Valley State College for a youth partnership program.
HB433 (Bradshaw) - Amends state election laws.
HB440 (Short) - Amends the benefits available to volunteer government workers.
HB450 (Short) - Amends state law regarding county construction contracting practices.
HB452 (Bradshaw) - Eliminates certain boards, gives the governor the power to appoint the executive directors of certain boards, requires Senate confirmation, combines the Wildlife and Big Game boards and moves the Sports Authority under the domain of the Department of Administrative Services.
HB459 (Ellertson) - Amends state provisions restricting the placement of high-level waste in Utah, including monitored retrievable storage facilities.
HB461 (Bradshaw) - Clarifies and modifies requirements governing initiative and referendum petitions and voter information pamphlets.
HJR1 (Harward) - Revises joint rules and clarifies the definition of conflict of interest.
HJR2 (Davis) - Directs the printing of committee notes, fiscal notes and legislative review letters.
HJR3 (N. Stephens) - Urges the federal government to acknowledge the sovereignty of the state under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
HJR4 (Valentine) - Revises joint rules related to the referencing and printing of bills.
HJR5 (Bush) - Encourages all governmental entities to hold elections on the regular election day each November.
HJR6 (M. Johnson) - Urges Congress to consider an amendment to the Constitution whereby states may provide for a moment of silence or meditation at the beginning of each school day.
HJR7 (Harward) - Revises joint rules, changing the number of votes to adopt or amend legislative rules.
HJR8 (Valentine) - Enlarges the use of joint resolutions and eliminates obsolete language.
HJR11 (Haymond) - Fixes the compensation for legislative employees.
HJR14 (Wright) - Encourages the governor and the Department of Environmental Quality to create a cost-risk assessment regarding extent of environmental cleanup requirements necessary to reasonably protect human health.
HJR16 (Harward) - Revises legislative rules to make a motion for previous question a non-debatable motion.
HJR17 (Bush) - Urges Utah's congressional delegation to support legislation granting service-connected medical disability benefits and medals of recognition to all military veterans unknowingly subjected to radiation by the U.S. government.
HJR19 (Fox) - Resolution determining which task forces will be funded in 1995.
HJR21 (R. Evans) - Resolution encouraging the divestiture of hospitals in the Salt Lake Valley.
HCR1 (J. Tanner) - Encourages Utahns to purchase centennial license plates.
HCR2 (Dillree) - Urges that the Martha Hughes Cannon Centennial Statue Commission to raise private funds for the placement of a commemorative statue in the Capitol.
HCR3 (Atkinson) - Encourages the state Board of Education to form a task force to develop standards for assessing student competence and awarding credit to students for attendance in nonaccredited schools.
HCR5 (Olsen) - Urges citizens to reaffirm their commitment to values that strengthen Utah families.
HCR6 (Anderson) - Resolution recognizing the contributions of Dugway Proving Ground's English Village and encourages the U.S.
government to keep English Village open for the national defense, Utah's economy and its citizens.
HCR7 (Fox) - Encourages the Department of Human Resource Management to study and make recommendations for the development of clerical employee career path opportunities.
HCR10 (K. Johnson) - Urges President Clinton and Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt to approve funding for a paved road from Navajo Mountain, Utah, to Inscription House, Arizona.
HCR11 (B. Johnson) - A resolution reaffirming Utah's claim to water originating on federal lands.
HCR12 (B. Johnson) - A resolution recommending that Congress designate as wilderness only those lands that meet the legal definition of wilderness.
HR1 (Valentine) - Revises House rules and changes the powers of the Rules Committee.
HR2 (Harward) - Adopts House rules and changes the vote necessary to adopt or amend rules.
HR3 (Valentine) - Provides a process for calling the House to order.
HR4 (Harward) - Revises House rules and clarifies standing committee review of bills.
HR5 (Harward) - Revises House rules to make the motion for previous question a non-debatable motion.