Throughout his service as a general authority, President Howard W. Hunter spoke frequently about his love of and the divinity of the Savior. Here are excerpts from his talks and letters as prophet on advice for the Saints.
Jesus Christ
"He is the authorized and living head of this church, and he leads it in word and deed."
After becoming president
"To those who have transgressed or been offended, we say `Come back.' To those who are hurt and struggling and afraid, we say `Let us stand with you and dry your tears.' To those who are confused and assailed by error on every side, we say, `Come to the God of all truth and the church of continuing revelation.' "
He also said it is the "deepest desire of my heart" to have every adult member temple-worthy and carrying a current recommend."
To missionaries at MTC
"Any time we experience the blessings of the Atonement in our lives, we cannot help but have a concern for the welfare of others."
Arizona conference
"In our efforts to be examples of the Lord's restored gospel, I would encourage each present today to consider the following suggestions in his or her life:
- Pay an honest tithing.
- Live the Word of Wisdom.
- Read and study the scriptures daily.
- Strive to build a personal testimony of Jesus Christ and the Atonement.
- Pray every day, night and morning.
- Prepare to receive and accept the ordinances and covenants of the gospel.
- Focus on your families."
October 1994
General Conference
Saturday morning - "Be forgiving, be kind and focus on temple worship."
Priesthood session - "A man who holds the priesthood looks upon marriage as a sacred privilege and obligation."
Sunday afternoon - "Become more like the Savior. Follow conference counsel, make Christ the center of worship, focus more on the temple, share the gospel."
2,000th LDS stake ceremony
Counseled members to become united, because "it is unity and oneness that has thus far enabled us to bear our testimonies around the globe . . . and to construct temples and chapels, seek after the dead, watch over the church and build faith."
Family home evening
Monday evenings should be reserved for family home evening. The primary emphasis of family evening should be for families to be together to study the gospel. (from First Presidency letter)