A chronology of events during President Howard W. Hunter's stewardship as LDS president:

June 4, 1994 - Presided and spoke at the funeral of President Ezra Taft Benson.

June 5, 1994 - Was set apart as the prophet, seer and revelator of the LDS Church.

June 6, 1994 - Encouraged Latter-day Saints to live more Christ-like lives and increase temple attendance in his first address as prophet.

June 21, 1994 - Told 92 new mission presidents and their wives that the Savior's Atonement is the foundation of missionary work.

June 21, 1994 - Greeted 2,245 missionaries at the Missionary Training Center in Provo and praised them for their devotion.

June 23, 1994 - Called and set apart Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Seventy to fill the vacancy in the Council of the Twelve created by the death of President Benson.

June 26, 1994 - Spoke at the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Carthage, Ill.

July 3, 1994 - Said in a Deseret News interview published in this day's editions that Christian living is the best way to reverse moral decline.

July 23, 1994 - Addressed the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Salt Lake City & County Building.

Aug. 8-16, 1994 - Visited Switzerland with his wife and attended a variety of meetings there.

August 1994 - Moved into an apartment across State Street from LDS Church headquarters.

Sept. 12, 1994 - Honored for 50 years of service to the Watson Land Co., a national developer of industrial centers.

Sept. 13, 1994 - Counseled missionaries, in the first-ever telecast to full-time missionaries by the president of the church, to "go into the world, call people to repent, teach them to have faith and, after they express the desire, take them into the waters of baptism."

Sept. 18, 1994 - Spoke at the Tucson Arizona-Tucson Arizona East regional conference and made a number of suggestions to conferencegoers.

Sept. 24, 1994 - Told the annual women's meeting that LDS women must seek spiritual as well as secular knowledge in order to stand firm in the faith and emulate Christ's example of service to others.

Oct. 1, 2, 1994 - Was formally sustained in solemn assembly as the 14th president of the church. Spoke at the Saturday morning, priesthood and Sunday afternoon general conference sessions.

Oct. 9-11, 1994 - Dedicated the Orlando Temple, the church's 46th.

Oct. 15, 16, 1994 - Visited, along with Elder Cree-L Kofford of the Seventy, the Pasadena California Stake conference.

Nov. 13, 1994 - Was honored at a special Tabernacle program commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Genealogical Society of Utah.

Nov. 18, 1994 - Installed Eric B. Shumway as president of BYU-Hawaii.

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Dec. 4, 1994 - Spoke at the church's annual Christmas fireside in the Tabernacle.

Dec. 10, 1994 - Described, in his first television interview since becoming church president, the Spanish-speaking membership as "a sweet, humble people . . . and the church will continue to grow (among them) without a doubt."

Dec. 11, 1994 - Organized the Mexico City Contreras Stake, the church's 2,000th, and participated in the lighting ceremony at the Mexico City Temple.

Jan. 8, 1995 - Dedicated the Bountiful Temple, the church's 47th.

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