If you're a subscriber to the Crossroads Information Network who's sought out technical support, chances are you've talked with Kari Mor-an-di.
Ever since the Deseret News launched its online service a month ago, Morandi has spent most of her workday on the phone answering a steady flow of customer calls. The issues have ranged from bad disks and forgotten passwords to the technical quirks of individual computer systems. Morandi forwards many of the latter to Stewart Shelline, director of online services. But most of the time she is able to help online users find a solution."Kari has been at the forefront of customer service and has done an outstanding job," said Shelline. He estimates that Morandi has answered almost 1,000 calls in the past three weeks. For Morandi, that's meant a lot of new friends.
"They're really nice people," Morandi said. "I'm glad that, in general, they've been willing to be patient."
Her favorite call came from a 78-year-old woman from Provo, who Morandi coached through the installation process. "She was really nice. Once she got online she thought Crossroads was the neatest thing."
Most customer service calls have pertained to a batch of bad disks, problems in the installation of the software and remembering passwords, but a good share of questions have focused on individual computers.
"Every person's hardware configuration is different, and taking a fairly complex program and getting it to run on everyone's platform is not always possible," Morandi said. "We've found quite a few people who have bad serial cards, bad video drivers, etc. For the most part, customers have been understanding about working out their own particular hardware problems."
Morandi joined the Deseret News in 1990 as secretary to managing editor Don Wooward. Since then she has expanded her skills, enabling her to help all members of the Deseret News staff take advantage of new technology.
"Kari has emerged as a real trouper" in helping online customers, says Woodward. "She's a real credit to the newspaper. She's indispensable."