Hopeful Palestinians are coming to this West Bank village for milk from a billy goat they believe will cure impotence and sterility.
The goat has male genitalia but recently developed an udder that gives milk. Local lore perpetuates myths that such freaks of nature grant supernatural powers.The rapidly spreading faith in the goat's milk has solved the financial problems of its owner, Mufeed Sheikh, who was cut off from his construction job in Israel when the government sealed off the West Bank and Gaza Strip after a terrorist attack in January.
Sheikh, 38, now earns up to $150 a day, more than most Palestinians earn in a week, by selling the milk.
Ahmed Harashe, 33, is hoping the cup of milk he bought for more than $30 last week, after 10 days on a waiting list, will cure his sterility after 15 years of childless marriage.