The Ouelessebougou-Utah Alliance can be proud of the life-saving assistance given to Malian villagers - and the average Utah citizen can help, too.
The ninth annual Ouelessebougou-Utah Alliance dinner auction will take place Saturday, March 18, at 6 p.m. in the Little America Hotel, 500 S. Main.There will be good food, music by Calvary Baptist Church and Craig Kaelin and an auction. African crafts and jewelry will be auctioned off, along with trips to Hawaii and Europe, a computer, sports equipment and weekend getaways. Tickets, at $60 per person, can be obtained by calling 978-2452.
Donations are always gratefully accepted and can be directed to the Ouelessebougou-Utah Alliance, 1025 S. 700 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84104.
The alliance is not "welfare." It does not give people fish, it is teaching them how to fish for themselves. And the Malians are reeling in the great blessing of self-sufficiency.