Denver Grizzlies ownership partners spent the past two days meeting with West Valley City leaders and local Olympics and business officials regarding the IHL hockey team's urgent need to relocate.
At the same time, David Elmore and Donna Tuttle reviewed with local officials West Valley's proposal to construct an arena that would not only house the Grizzlies but also be a venue for the 2002 Olympics."The day was productive, good. We met with a lot of the right folks and were told the right things," said West Valley City manager John Patterson. "People understand the time frame.
"We had a good day. A good day. I think things may come together," said Patterson.
West Valley is apparently Elmore's first choice as a site to relocate the 1995 IHL Turner Cup-championship hockey team that must move because the NHL Quebec Nordiques have been sold to Denver interests. Even arena officials in other cities that Elmore's considering concede that. The other cities are San Diego, Sacramento, Quebec and San Antonio.
The problem is that Elmore and Tuttle must decide quickly - perhaps by next week and certainly in the next few weeks - and there are two problems.
One is that West Valley can finance the proposed $30-million, 10,000-seat building at I-215 and 35th South only if it has a guarantee that the $15 million in Olympic Committee money already earmarked for building a hockey/short-track speed skating structure is committed now to the West Valley project. Salt Lake Olympic Organizing Committee vice president Dave Johnson has said his group is pledged to allocate that money only after scrutinizing all three proposed sites (the others are at Guardsman Way, favored by University of Utah, and near the Steiner Aquatic Center, favored by Salt Lake Mayor Deedee Corradini), and that's not scheduled to be addressed until 1999. It is not a top priority, Johnson said.
Patterson was buoyed Friday, though, because two leaders his group met said the SLOOC would make a business, not political, decision and said, "Bring us a proposal we can't refuse." Patterson thinks that can be done.
The other problem is that the Grizzlies want a two-year lease arrangement with the Delta Center, which has poor hockey sightlines, while the WVC arena is built. But DC general manager Scott Williams wants "at least a five-year deal."
Patterson said Elmore and Tuttle did not meet with Williams this trip. He indicated the West Valley/Grizzly group will tackle that after arranging financing, if that's possible. Patterson hopes that, if a money deal is cut and is a "superior business opportunity for the Olympics," the Delta Center might acquiesce.