Here is a summary of coming public sporting events and recreational activities in the Mountain West. If you have an item of public interest, contact the Deseret News sports department at 237-2161 or mail information to Sports Recreation Editor, 30 E. 100 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84110.
Taken from The Utah Runner and Cyclist guide, P.O. Box 8344, Salt Lake City, UT 84108.
FRIDAY, Aug. 11, Midnite Moon Run. 3.6-mile course begins at midnight at the Alta Canyon Sports Center. Enter by 6 p.m. Aug. 11 at Sandy City Recreation (440 E. 8680 South). Age divisions for boys/girls and men/women. 561-6712.
SATURDAY, Aug. 12, Kathy's Ranch Market 5K Run/Health Walk and children's non-competitive fun runs. 5K starts at 8 a.m., fun-runs at 9 a.m. at 4695 S. Holladay Boulevard. $12 pre-registration or $14 and a can of food donation for Utahns against Hunger.
SATURDAY, Aug. 12, Morton International Race for Life. 2-mile walk and 5K run. Starts at 7 a.m. at the Ogden Airport (3350 Airport Road). 394-6600.
SATURDAY, Aug. 19, Ouelessebougou 10th Annual 5K run/walk. Starts at 8 a.m. at the Huntsman Center, finishes at the Governor's Mansion. Cash and other prizes. 978-2452.
SATURDAY, Aug. 19, The Silver Dollar Run and Mtn. Bike Race. 8-mile loop through mines and mine dumps. Run starts at 8 a.m., Mtn. Bike at 8:30 a.m. at Tintic High School in Eureka. 225-4996.
SATURDAY, Aug. 19, The Garden of Eden Race. Starts at 7:30 a.m. at Old General Store in Eden. 626-6940 or 626-7236.
SATURDAY, Aug. 19, Electocardio Run. 10K. 8 a.m. start at the Alpine City Park and finishes at the American Fork Hospital. 763-3593.
SATURDAY, Aug. 26, Bryce Canyon Rim Run. 5 miles along rolling dirt trails and paved roads. Race starts at Ruby's Inn just outside Bryce Canyon National Park on Highway 63. The race is at an elevation of 7,652 feet and begins at 9 a.m. All ages, male and female. Cost is $12 by Aug. 21, or $15 thereafter. 834-5341 or 328-0829.
SATURDAY, Aug. 26, Great Salt Lake Half Marathon. Starts at Island View Park (1800 S. Main) and ends on Antelope Island. 774-7270.
MOUNTAIN RUN. The 8th Annual Rendezvous Peak Run will be held at the Jackson Hole Ski Area in Teton Village on Saturday, Aug. 26. 7.2 mile course follows the ski area service road, gaining 4,100 feet in elevation. Men's and women's divisions in 18-and-under, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-and-over, and a walking class. Race begins at 8:30 a.m. for walkers, 9 a.m. for runners. (307) 733-2452.
SATURDAY, Aug. 12, the Provo River Half-Marathon. Start 6:30 a.m. at Bridal Vail Falls. Route follows River Trail. $13 before Aug. 1, $20 after. 372-1301 or Sport Shoe 377-9499.
SAILING. Events for 1995 for Park City Yacht Club are: Aug. 11 Evening Series No. 5 at Little Dell; Aug. 12 is Series Race No. 3 at Deer Creek; Aug. 18 is Evening Series No. 6 at Little Dell; Aug. 25 is Evening Series No. 7 at Little Dell; Aug. 27 is Race Series No. 4 at Deer Creek; Sept. 1 is Evening Series No. 9 at Little Dell; Sept. 9-10 is Strawberry Weekend at Strawberry Reservoir; Sept. 23-24 is Yuba Weekend, Family Fun Regatta. For information write Park City Yacht Club, Laser Fleet, P.O. Box 3706, Park City, UT 84060-3706.
FOUR MAN SCRAMBLE - The 2nd Annual American Fork Chamber of Commerce Four Man Scramble Golf Tournament and Fundraiser will be held on Friday, Aug. 18 at Tri-City Golf Course. The entrance fee is $50 per player, $200 per team. Enter on or before Aug. 11 with the first 25 teams or 100 persons qualifying to play. Contact the Chamber Office at 756-5110 or Tom Hunter at 756-0390.
BENEFIT TOURNEY - The Better Business Bureau is sponsoring the BBB White Hat Classic on August 11 at Park Meadows Country Club. Funds will be used to purchase videotapes and teaching outlines on ethics for Utah high schools. 487-4656 or 456-3907 for more information.
ADULT TENNIS - Register by Forms at most tennis clubs and through the UTA. For information on tournaments call 268-0505.
JUNIOR TENNIS - Register by Forms at most tennis clubs or through the UTA. For information on tournaments call 268-0505.
ADULT TOURNEY - Bank One Labor Day Weekend Tournament will be Aug. 30 through Sept. 4 at Park City Racquet Club. Register by Aug. 21. Men/Women's NTRP, Singles/Doubles/Mixed Double divisions. 268-0505.
JR. TOURNAMENTS. Utah State Open Tennis Championships will be Aug. 14-19 at the Sports Mall. Boy/Girl, Open and Single/Double divisions. 268-0505.
SUMMER PROGRAMS. Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation is offering summer programs Aug. 15-17. 272-2243.
FALL BALL. Sandy City Parks & Recreation will be sponsoring a fall recreational baseball league for ages 12 and under. Divisions include 12-and-under, 10-and-under and 8-and-under. Cost is $29 per participant, and $3 off per additional family member. Eight games played on Fridays and Saturdays from the first week of September through the second week of October. Register at Sandy City Parks & Recreation (440 E. 8680 South). 561-6712.
BASEBALL SCHOOL. The Rocky Mountain School of Baseball announces its annual fall baseball schedule, which begins on Aug. 26. Each team will play a 14-game schedule with doubleheaders on Saturday. Age divisions include 9-10, 11-12, 13-14 and 15-18 year olds. Games will be played from Utah County to Cache Valley. 1-800-ROCK BBU or 753-5662.
LEAGUE. Salt Lake County Recreation is taking applications for the Fall Softball League. League will open Aug. 28. Cost is $230 for men's, women's and coed slowpitch teams. New leagues include men's 40-plus and 50-plus divisions, and a 30-plus coed slowpitch division. 468-2560.
FALL SOFTBALL. Farmington City Recreation is now forming teams for its Adult Fall Softball Leagues. Registration will go through Aug. 18. Cost is $180 per team, with two leagues being offered. The Men's `C-D' League will play on Monday and Wednesday evenings, while the Co-ed `C-D' League will play on Tuesday and Thursday evenings beginning Aug. 28. 451-0953.
JR. JAZZ. Layton City Parks and Recreation will be accepting registration for girls Jr. Jazz for girls in grades 4-8 beginning Sept. 5. Fee is $27 if participant needs a Jr. Jazz T-shirt, $22 if she already has one. Registration will end on Sept. 22. 546-8580.
YOUTH FLAG FOOTBALL. Registration is now being accepted by East Millcreek Recreation for `Youth Flag Football' for boys and girls, ages 8-12 years old. The cost is $30 for eight sessions beginning Saturday, Sept. 23. Games are held on Saturdays at Evergreen Park. Deadline to register is Sept. 8.
CAMPS. Summer soccer camps will be held at Held Sutton Soccer School, with is in the Utah Indoor Soccer Center. For boys and girls ages 6 to 16. Camps will run weekly through Aug. 21. Contact Rob Karas at 296-2888.
WALLYBALL. Alta Canyon Sports Center is starting a drop-in league for all levels of play. This is on-going event. Informal leagues on Wednesdays at 10 p.m. and Friday at 9 p.m. Free for members, $4 for non-members. Structured league on Saturdays and Wednesdays, with round-robin and double elimination tournaments every 6 weeks. 942-2582.
TOURNAMENT. The Summer Outdoor Volleyball tournaments will be Aug. 11 for the Dusk 2 Dawn Coed 2s and Aug. 26 for the Cross Court Slam: Men and Women, High School age divisions. Played at Alta Canyon Sports Center (9565 S. 2000 East). 942-ALTA or 942-2323.
TRYOUTS. The Alta volleyball team wil be holding its tryouts for girls in grades 9-12 Aug. 14 and 15 beginning at 9 a.m. 261-1033.
Other events
PRACTICAL SHOOTING. The Salt Lake Practical Shooting Association will hold monthly matches and practice sessions. Monthly matches will be held at 9 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month at the Hendricksen PMAA range at the East Canyon exit of I-80 in Parleys Canyon. Call 580-7836 or 942-8573.
DISABLE PROGRAMS. Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation is pleased to offer recreation and leisure experiences to individuals with physical and mental disabilities. Adapted Sports is designed to meet the physical and social needs of each participant. The objectives are to teach fundamentals of sports with emphasis on fun, cooperation, fair play and team building skills. 561-0075.
RACQUETBALL. Alta Canyon Sports Center is offering a free drop-in racquetball class for players ages 8-14 on Fridays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. 942-2582.
WEIGHT LIFTING. Alta Canyon Sports is offering Teen Weight Training Workouts Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-6 p.m., and on Saturday 10-11 a.m. Coaching provided. Fee is $1.50 for area residents, $2.50 for others. 942-2582.
TRIPS. S'PLORE is talking reservations for rafting trips for persons with disabilities and special needs. Family and friends are welcome. Trips run through August. Trips include guides, volunteer support, pre-trip orientation, meals, rafting equipment, medical support. 484-4128.
TRACK. Registration is being taken at the Northwest Rec Center for youth track and field. Cost is $35 per person. For information call 596-0072.
SPORTS PARK. Freestyle ski jumping will be held every Saturday through Sept. 2, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free. 649-5447.
DISABLE WATER SKI PROGRAM. The National Ability Center in Park City will offer water ski lessons August 12, 16 and 19 at Utah Lake and the new Jordanelle Reservoir. Call for times and locations. 649-3991. The water-ski days include water skiing, knee boarding, and water rides. The NAC provides a host of year-round activities including: tennis, rafting, swimming, snow skiing and horseback riding for diabled persons.
CAMP-OUTS. The Red Rock 4-Wheelers Club is planning the 22nd Labor Day Camp-Out for the weekend of September 2-4. There will be four overnight trips with backcountry camping. In addition, there will be day-trips on each of the three days. Cost is $35 per vehicle for any or all of the three days (one fee fits all). Camping trips include: Hole in the Rock, 3-day trip; Dolores Triangle, 2-day trip; Golden Spike/Metal Masher, 2-day trip; Top of the World, 2-day trip. Day trips on Saturday, Sept. 2, include: Fins & Things, Hells Revenge, Kane Creek Canyon and Golden Spike; Sunday, Sept. 3, trips are: Cliff Hanger, Poison Spider Mesa and Metal Masher; and Monday, Sept. 4 trips are: Gold Bar Rim and Moab Rim. Early reservations recommended by calling 249-ROCK.
REI. On Tuesday, Sept. 21, veteran mountaineer Dan Smith will share photos and experiences from a successful climb to the top of the highest peak in the Western hemisphere, the 22,841-foot Aconcagua . . . On Tuesday, Sept. 19, Tom Wharton, outdoor editor of the Salt Lake Tribune, and his wife Gayen, will present a slide show and discussion on family outdoor activities concerning the Southwest's beautiful Four Corners area. They will also autograph copies of his new book An Outdoor Family Guide to the Southwest's Four Corners . . . On Tuesday, Sept. 26, Shannon and Ron Kipp present a lecture and exercise session for Nordic and Alpine skiers. Shannon, a certified fitness specialist, and Ron, a ski instructor, bring to the clinic extensive experience working with the U.S. Ski Coaches Association . . . All REI clinics are free of charge and begin at 7 p.m. at REI (3285 E. 3300 South).
HUNTER SAFETY. Layton City Parks and Recreation is offering a Hunter Safety course to all individuals 11 and a half years and older. This course is offered through the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Department. Registration will run from Aug. 21 through Sept. 1. Classes begin on Sept. 6, running from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays for three weeks. Cost is $6. 546-8580.
ANTELOPE ISLAND. The historic Fielding Garr Ranch on Antelope Island will be open Aug. 12-13 for public tours. Park personnel will offer interpretive programs covering the history of the island and the ranch. Call 773-2941 for more information.