Dates Group Facility Attendance
Sept. 23-28 Independent Bankers Association of America S.L. Hilton 50
Sept. 24-29 U. of U. Gerontology Center Snowbird 48
Sept. 25 German Genealogy Digest Howard Johnson 50
Sept. 25-28 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Hilton 50
Sept. 25-28 Litton Inc. Little America 125
Sept. 25-30 Afton Associates Holiday Inn city 120
Sept. 26-27 Purina Mills Airport Hilton 30
Sept. 26-28 First Health Snowbird 35
Sept. 26-30 Lifelike Computer Characters Snowbird 100
Sept. 27-29 United Parcel Service Snowbird 60
Sept. 27-30 116th Navy Seabees Snowbird 75
Sept. 27-Oct. 1 American Medical Peer Review Red Lion, Shilo 500
Sept. 27-Oct. 1 Life Management Seminars Snowbird 30
Sept. 27-Oct. 1 Natl. Association of Schools Nurses Doubletree 50
Sept. 28-29 Utah State Office of Education Snowbird 100
Sept. 28-29 Jordan Valley Hospital Snowbird 26
Sept. 28-30 Veterans Administration Howard Johnson 25
Sept. 28-Oct. 3 American Chamber of Commerce Marriott 350
Sept. 29 Future Farmers of America Quality Inn city 160
Sept. 29-Oct. 2 Bard Access Systems Snowbird 60
Sept. 30 Kraft Foods Airport Hilton 25
Sept. 30-Oct. 5 Illuminating Engineering Society Little America 150
Total projected attendance 2,219