I would like to respond to an article in the Oct. 6 issue concerning state Senate candidates Scott Howell and Bob Warnick. As a constituent in this district, I can attest to Sen. Howell's response to issues of concern to me. I have written several letters and phoned his office on occasion to voice my viewpoint. His votes have not always reflected my opinion, but he has never ignored my concerns.
For Warnick to admit that he has no idea what Howell's stance on issues has been and what his voting record reflects is really a joke. Then Warnick practically says he has no opinion of the issues facing Salt Lake City but feels that a Republican representative will just be able to work more easily with a GOP administration is downright scary.Maybe that was his intention, considering Halloween is just around the corner. It worked with me. I for one would never vote for someone who didn't care about the problems facing her/his constituency and possess some inkling of an idea to suggest for a solution.
Amy L. Barry
Salt Lake City