FICTION Last week/Weeks on list
1. The Deep End of the Ocean, 3 / 5
by Jacquelyn Mitchard
2. Desperation, 1 / 3
by Stephen King
3. Executive Orders, 4 / 9
by Tom Clancy
4. The Regulators, 2 / 3
by Richard Bachman
5. Jack and Jill, 5 / 6
by James Patterson
6. To the Hilt, 6 / 3
by Dick Francis
7. The Celestine Prophecy, 7 /139
by James Redfield
8. The Runaway Jury, 11/22
by John Grisham
9. Falling Up, 10/21
by Shel Silverstein
10. The Notebook, - / 1
by Nicholas Sparks
1. The Dilbert Principle, 1 /26
by Scott Adams
2. Slouching Towards 5 / 4
Gomorrah, by Robert H. Bork
3. The Sea Hunters, - / 1
by Patti LaBelle
with Laura B. Randolph
4. How Good Do We Have 3 / 5
to Be?, by Harold S. Kushner
5. Unlimited Access, 9 /15
by Gary Aldrich
6. The Run of His Life, 2 / 5
by Jeffrey Toobin
7. Angela's Ashes, 4 / 6
by Frank McCourt
8. Dogbert's To-Secret - / 1
Management Handbook,
by Scott Adams
9. James Herriot's 6 / 4
Favorite Dog Stories,
by James Herriot
10. Midnight in the Garden 10/130
of Good and Evil,
by John Berendt
1. Make the Connection, 1 / 5
by Bob Greene and
Oprah Winfrey
2. Men Are From Mars, 3 /179
Women Are From Venus,
by John Gray
3. The Zone, 2 /32
by Barry Sears
with Bill Lawren
4. Practical Intuition, - / 1
by Sara Ban Breathnach
Rankings reflect sales figures at 3,985 bookstores plus wholesalers serving 50,000 other retailers (gift shops, department stores, newsstands, supermarkets), statistically weighted to represent sales in all such outlets nationwide. An (x) indicates that a book's sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above.