Several days ago, your paper ran a short article on Enid Greene. Commendable, but there was something lacking. Where was the apology you owe her for the vilifying your reporters did on Enid when that Wald-holtz scandal began?
Whatever happened to empathy? What happened to the judicial axiom that a person is deemed innocent until proven guilty? Such reporting isn't what I would hope to find in a newspaper tossed on my front porch.Lastly, Enid, if you're reading this letter, please know how much we respect you for holding firm and for your fine performance in implementing the conservative agenda you pledged to follow. You have proved them wrong. You have earned back your respect and credibility. Now take the initiative and make another run for your district seat in two years and you'll get my vote, along with those of thousands of others.
Ferris Johnsen
Salt Lake City