For the third time in a little more than a year, Utah inmates have escaped from a private jail in Texas.
The latest escapees are Raul Aguilera, 30, who was serving time for criminal homicide, and Renata Soto-Carrera, 19, who was serving time for aggravated assault and possession of a controlled substance.The two are among 100 Utah inmates transferred to the Texas facility in July 1995 to ease overcrowding at the Utah State Prison. The Department of Corrections had contracted with Dove Development to house the inmates until new facilities are completed in Utah.
"New facilities are now on line and prison officials are completing plans to bring the Utah inmates home in the next two weeks," said corrections spokesman Jack Ford in a press release.
Texas Rangers and city and county law enforcement officers are using bloodhounds and roadblocks to try to find Aguilera and Soto-Carrera.