As I pass homes in Salt Lake City with "Anderson" lawn signs, I am deeply saddened. It means the people support the American Civil Liberties Union, whose main accomplishments are to protect criminals and destroy God. The ACLU makes its money from the taxpayers of Utah because most of its lawsuits are filed against the state, county, city and schools.

The lawsuits are mostly for supporting criminal demands, against Christians singing Christmas carols in schools and against placing a nativity scene during the Christmas season in the town square. Ross Anderson was Rachel Bauchman's attorney last Christmas when she sued West High for making her sing a song called "Friends."The signs also represent infanticide, or partial-birth abortions. This is where a full-term baby is turned to be born feet first, with the head still in the birth channel to make it legally an abortion. Then the "physician" punctures the head and vacuums the brains out so as to make the birth easy.

The Anderson signs represent the approved confiscation of land. Land used by the same families for over 100 years. Now, nearly 10,000 Utah citizens live in President Clinton's new national monument, unable to use their land.

I sometimes feel we should realize that people don't know what they do. But I believe those with the Anderson signs posted on their lawns know what they are doing. Doesn't it make one wonder what is happening to our state's character?

Elsie Rowley

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Salt Lake City

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