Wait a minute; I don't get it. Last week I heard that our bus company, Utah Transit Authority, is named the best mass transit company in America, and this week some board members, who apparently don't like the way light rail has gone forward, want to fire UTA's general manager. They want to fire the head of the very team that helped make UTA what it is. What kind of clear thinking is that?
And then I learn that our own commissioners are holding secret meetings in a restaurant in Layton to collect enough votes to get the general manager out. What kind of sound leadership is that?Help me understand why Randy Horiuchi and Brent Overson are so bent on this cause. Help me understand how they can lead the county when they participate in such secret activities. Help me understand why we wouldn't want to support leadership that makes UTA the envy of the rest of the country. And don't let Horiuchi's slippery tongue get him out of this one. I want some answers.
Jennifer Rode
Salt Lake City