You might have attention deficit disorder if this sounds like you:
You're cooking a grilled cheese sandwich. Seeing you're out of pickles, you go down the basement to get a jar from the pantry. You open the pantry door and notice a cluster of ants on the floor. You go get a rag to wipe them up and see the suitcase you've been meaning to clean out. It has been knocked to the floor on a pile of your grandmother's sheet music which, you notice, has ripped. While picking up the suitcase, an old letter falls out. You turn on a light and read it. Then you check the old sheet music. Suddenly, the smoke alarm screeches. You race upstairs to find a blackened cheese sandwich and wonder why you went to the basement anyway.ADD's characteristics, which are usually pervasive, life-long, and occur across a variety of settings, include: Procrastination and difficulty finishing tasks; being late; forgetfulness; drifting off and having trouble paying attention; difficulty reading and remembering what you read unless it is very interesting or easy; having clutter and piles of paper; being quick to anger; disorganization; difficulty making decisions.
Some people also act in hyperactive and impulsive ways. They might be on the go all the time, be fidgety, talk excessively, interrupt or intrude on others, and have difficulty waiting in lines or waiting their turn.
(Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service.)