Lehi High School students are getting an up-to-date computer technology education thanks to a Mountain Applied Technology Center partnership at Utah Valley State College.
The Technology Center recently equipped a full-service computer lab with 28 modules at Lehi High. MATC also provides a full-time instructor. The courses provided have been a popular addition to Lehi's curriculum, with 143 students currently enrolled.Lehi principal Russell Felt said he is delighted with the lab. "Many different programs came together to make the lab work," he said. "We never would have been able to do it on our own."
The MATC also uses the lab to educate working professionals in computer skills and specific software programs. Plans are to teach classes for companies needing to upgrade employee skills or retrain due to company growth.
The classes will provide training in word processing, graphics and spreadsheet software. The Technology Center is also making plans to set up networking equipment in the lab to teach future classes about Novell networking systems.
Royanne Boyer, Technology Center executive director, said MATC is always looking for ways to expand services. "We hope to form future alliances . . . with the Nebo, Provo, Summit, Park City and Wasatch school districts."