Progress is building on what someone else did to produce something new. If the "new" thing is "better" than that which it replaces, progress has been achieved. History has periods when progress was very rapid and when none was made. There are many factors that effect progress, but the controlling factor centers around the direction and wishes of those in power.

Each person has some degree of power, and by giving some or all of that power to others determines the direction a group or nation will go. If parents give power to the wrong people, the children must fight or die to get that power back with a subsequent loss of time that could be used in advancement. This period of time could span many generations before real progress can be restored.Enough has been written that a person can determine which factors bring about progress and which do not and can choose those which achieve the most provided those in power will allow that choice. The first factor therefore is to put those in power who will allow one to achieve. To do this, a person must look beyond his own individual wants to those things that will be of the most benefit to society and, as a result, will reap many benefits to himself.

This government has been a model to the rest of the world in setting up the environment that allows progress to be made. Those nations that have followed the example set up by the founders of this government have experienced rapid progress that has benefited the people of those nations to a high degree.

Progress can be almost endless and benefit all nations and people. The speed at which it comes about is determined, in the final analysis, by the people. Will they accept the vain promises of their leaders of wealth and prosperity that in the final analysis will lead to enslavement and the hindrance of progress? Will future generations look on this time wistfully as a time when rapid progress was made or as a period when a foundation was laid that would indeed foster real progress? The people of this and following generations will determine that.

Lee Burningham

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