Utah Valley residents donated 216,000 pounds of food during last week's annual Boy Scout food drive.
Myla Dutton, executive director of Community Action Services, said thousands of community volunteers helped with the project. Several Army National Guard units, Boy Scouts and Brigham Young University student volunteers helped collect the food, load it into trucks and deliver it to the Community Services Building that houses the centralized food bank.Volunteers are now needed to sort the food. Groups of six to 15 volunteers are needed to work one-hour shifts sorting the non-perishable food items into boxes.
"This opportunity is great for families, teams and other groups to work together doing community service. It's a social experience that helps build relationships and spirit while helping others," said Julie Christensen, United Way Vol-unteer Center director. "Anyone can do it and everyone loves it."
Volunteers are needed Monday through Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., and every other Saturday, beginning March 16, from 9 to 10 a.m.
Other volunteer opportunities in Utah County include:
- Play with a 12-year-old girl with disabilities. The Utah State Developmental Center needs teen or adult friends to play with a girl who displays autistic behavior, mental retardation and occasional seizures. Volunteers are needed from 3 to 4 p.m. every other day.
- Help in the Utah State Hospital Clothing Center. Volunteers are needed to display the clothing and to assist patients with selecting clothing on Saturdays.
- Supervise children. Region Three of the Division of Youth Corrections needs volunteers to work with case managers, supervise children and help in the division's Explorer program.
- Hold a scavenger hunt. Collect napkins, diapers, toilet paper, paper towels and other paper products to donate to local shelters and to individuals in need.
For more information about these and other volunteer opportunities throughout Utah County, call the United Way Volunteer Center at 374-8108, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.