Second grade
West Jordan Elementary
Here is how to catch a leprechaun. You can buy some of those gold coin candies. Lay them out in a cage. Get a key and be ready for when the leprechaun goes into the cage to get the candy. Lock the cage up and ask him for all his gold. That's how a person can catch a leprechaun. Remember not to look the other way.
Nathaniel Evans
Once upon a time in Ireland there was a little leprechaun named Freckles. One day he went for a walk in the forest and after a while it started to rain. Freckles said, "Oh, no, my new suit will be ruined." When it finally stopped raining, Freckles saw a rainbow. He went closer until he saw something he had never seen before. He started dancing when he realized it was gold! He picked up the pot of gold and from that day on he was happy!
Kaleha Judkins
One day I was walking down a path on St. Patrick's Day. I saw someone green and small. I stepped off the path and grabbed him. It was a scared leprechaun. I said, "If I can have your gold, then I'll let you go in my home whenever you want. But, you can't steal my gold. "OK," he answered. So I got his gold and made a bed for him. We played and no one ever caught him and he wasn't scared any more. He had lots of fun and he was happy!
Anna Mueller
One day I was walking in the forest and I saw a little green man. I talked to him. I said, "I want your gold." "You have to have the magical clover to get the gold," the little green man said. So I looked for the magical clover. I found it and I found the black pot with gold coins in it. I spent the money on toys.
Vance Brown