Age: 54Where born: Annapolis, Md.
Family: Married; four sons; six grandchildren
Education: Master of Public Administration with emphasis in health care.
Primary product: Health services
Number of employees: 2,400
Annual sales volume: 22,000 hospitalized patients; 239,000 non-hospitalized patients
First "real" job: Operating a bakery out of my parents' home one summer as a teenager.
Management style: Listen and then act.
Keys to success: Ability to see global picture.
One lesson I've learned in my work: Flexibility.
What I like about my line of work: Being on the forefront of emerging thinking.
My heroes: Those who handle challenges with patience and faith.
Leisure time and hobbies: Weaving, traveling and cooking.
Favorite book: "Chesapeake," by James Michener.
Favorite movie: I don't have one.