I am a 71-year-old woman who occasionally has to walk to the strip mall one mile in a single direction from my home in order to pick up a prescription or a few groceries. Today I again made that trek, forgetting that I risk life and mental health whenever I do so.
I'm still shaking from encounters with three separate drivers - two males at stop lights and one female at a stop sign - who apparently felt it their right to kill me on the spot. At my advanced age I'm possibly out of step with an updated Utah Drivers' Manual or current rules of courtesy practiced by the yuppies and Generation X. But where is it written that drivers desiring to turn right at an intersection do not have to come to a full stop before proceeding through a red light or stop sign and furthermore have the right-of-way over pedestrians already in the crosswalk?And what is to become of those senior citizens even older than I am who have had their drivers' licenses taken away from them and must walk wherever they want to go?
Barbara Williams
Salt Lake City