
Taken from The Utah Runner and Cyclist guide, P.O. Box 8344, Salt Lake City, UT 84108.

Utah Centennial Blue Mt. to Canyonlands Triathlon. Starts 10 a.m. in Monticello. $20 for individual and $50 for team. 587-2029.

SATURDAY, Mar. 16 The St. Patrick's Day 10 Miler. Starts at WSU footall stadium. Dan 626-7236.

SATURDAY, Mar. 16, Salt Lake Track Club 50 KM make-up races. Register from 9 a.m. 972-6873.

SATURDAY, Mar. 16, The Leprechaun Lope. A four miler for runners, walkers and wheelchairs and a healthwalk as well. Starts at the State Capitol and ends at 500 So. Main St. $13 pre-reg by March 2, 1065 E. 700 So., SLC, Ut. 84102.

SATURDAY, Mar. 16, St. Patrick's Day 10 Miler. Starts at WSU Football stadium. 626-7236.

SATURDAY, Mar. 16, Moab Canyonlands half marathon and 5 mile run. Box 743, Moab 84532, 259-5934.

SATURDAY, Mar. 23, The Frostbite Biathlon. $19 pre-registration postmarked by 1 week prior to race. 14.7 mile bike, 3 mile run. 467-4203.


CLINIC. NTPR Rating clinic for adults 19 and older held March 22. Cost is $5. 268-0505.

TOURNAMENT. Mens' and womens' and mixed doubles' tournament at Park City. Deadline is March 18. 268-0505.

TOURNAMENT. Park City Adult Doubles tournament at the Park City Racquet Club. Registration is due March 18.


UMPIRES NEEDED - Utah State Umpires are looking for people interested in umpiring youth baseball. They will train for the `fun' part-time job. Call Lindsay at 965-8802.


RIM ROCK`N RUCKUS. On Sat., April 27, Utah Valley State College is sponsoring a 3-on-3 tournament open to high school males and females. Registration due April 8. 222-8329.

JR. JAZZ. The East Millcreek Recreation Center (272-2243), The Salt Lake County Northwest recreation center (596-0072), and Copperview Community Center (561-0075) are now taking applications for the winter Jr. Jazz basketball program. Fee is $45 per player and includes games, Jazz player appearance, jersey, team photo and awards. Games will be played on Saturdays.

SPRING LEAGES - The SL County Parks and Recreation is now taking applications for the upcoming Spring basketball leagues. Teams for men's, industrial and 40/50 plus leagues. Play starts March 18. 468-2560.


CIRCUIT SERIES - March 16, 23 SLIC Circuit Race Series. 583-3449.

RIDE - The Bonneville Bicycle Touring Club of Utah is sposoring the following rides: Mar. 16, St. Patrick's Day Ride 487-0540. Mar. 16 Grantsville Grunt, a difficult ride leaving Grantsville at 9 a.m. 328-8145. Mar. 23 Death Valley Double 625-0928.


Salt Lake County Northwest recreation center is taking applications for a youth indoor league. Fee is $10 per player.


SIGNUP - Riverton is holding registration for its men's adult softball league, which begins play in mid-April. Deadline is March 29. 254-0704.

YOUTH LEAGES - Farmington City is accepting registration for youth softball from Monday, Mar. 11 through Friday, Mar. 29. A $5 discount will be given for early registration. Ages are from pre-kindergarten to 9th grade. 451-0953.

UMPIRES - The USSSA needs umpires for the season. Meetings are at Harmony Park on March 2, 9 and 16. 968-0685.

POLAR BEAR - American Fork is the site of the NSA/Coca Cola Polar Bear tournament March 28-30 for mens C&D level teams. Trophies and paid berthin 1996 World Series. Deadline is March 25. Bobby Letterman 374-5683.

Other events

CAR SHOWS. Associated Wheels of Utah, meets the 2nd Monday of each month at Round Table Pizza on 54th South and Redwood Road to plan the Annual Charity Car Show. Proceeds go to help individuals with mental retardation. All are invited to attend, club member or not. 364-5060.

MARTIAL ARTS. Learn Kenpo Karate from Master Casey Clayton every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 974 E. 2100 So. Starts Feb. 8. Call 485-6771.

SHOOTING. The Salt Lake Practical Shooting Association will hold monthly matches and practice sessions. Monthly matches will be held at 9 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month at the Hendricksen PMAA range at the East Canyon exit of I-80 in Parleys Canyon. Call 580-7836 or 942-8573.

RACQUETBALL. Cottonwood Heights adult league. Evenings Mondays and Thursdays 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. $10 for club memebers, $25 for non-members. Starts every 6 weeks. 943-9673.

JR. RACQUETBALL. Drop in leagues are scheduled at Alta Canyon Sports form 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

REI. Tue., Mar. 19 features a slide show and educational clinic about treking through the magnificent Himalayan region of Nepal. Dr. Antonia Neubauer presents an unusual view of Nepal that includes: history, relgions, clutures and scenery. Equipement needed for serious trekking and backpacking will also be discussed. Wed., Mar. 20 James Dunaway will present slides and information on trekking in the Alps. He will cover European trekking culture as well as the how-to of planning your own trek. All REI clinics are free of charge and begin at 7 p.m. at REI (3285 E. 3300 South). Call 486-2100. REI/Sports guide photo contest. The last deadline is April 1. Looking for photos with muscle-powered action sports. Rules and guidelines available at REI.

S`PLORE. S'PLORE is taking reservations for and seeking volunteers to help with white water rafting program for individuals with disabilites and special needs. Volunteers must attend an oreintation meeting on Wednesday, April 3. 484-4128.

TRACK. Registration is being taken at the Northwest Rec Center for youth track and field. Cost is $35 per person. For information call 596-0072.

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TUMBLING. Alta Canyon Sports is offering children's tumbling sessions from Feb. 20 - March 28.

WEIGHT TRAINING. Alta Canyon Sports is offering Teen Weight Training Workouts Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-6 p.m., and on Saturday 10-11 a.m. Coaching provided. Fee is $1.50 for area residents, $2.50 for others. 942-2582. . . . They also are sponsoring a weight resistance and circuit training class that targets all four components of fitness: strength muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility.

WALLYBALL. Alta Canyon Sports Spring walleyball leagues will begin Sat. March 2. Play is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. depending on skill level. 942-2582.

WALLYBALL CHAMPIONS. The Salt Lake City Utah 1996 Wallyball championships will be held March 22-24. Registration is $40 first event, $20 second event and $15 third event. Deadline is March 1, $5 for late registrations. Fee includes t-shirt, awards dinner and Sunday lunch. Divisions include coed triples and men's and women's triples divisions. 942-2742.

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