"The Cutting Edge," a collection of short films and videos under the umbrella title "British Avant Garde: The Third ICA Biennial of Independent Film and Video," will be presented Friday, March 15, by the Utah Film & Video Center in conjunction with the UK/Utah Fes-tival. (It will be followed the next Friday by a companion program, "Modern Times.")

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The 10 experimental pieces that make up "The Cutting Edge" were produced for British television and range in length from one minute to 20 minutes, including "Poems On the Box," consisting of poetry readings set against the backdrop of a television set in an otherwise empty room; "Holding the Viewer," for which director Tony Hill mounted his camera on an iron bar that he carried through a series of harrowing locales; and, in an apparent homage to Mel Brooks, Charles Garrard's "Inside Out," which is a zoom shot that moves the camera in on a reflected image in a window until the pane smashes."The Cutting Edge" will be shown Friday at 8 p.m. in the Salt Lake Art Center auditorium, 20 S. West Temple. Admission is $5. For further information, phone 534-1158.

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