Utah's 110,000 college students got a break from tuition hikes this year, but their fees could continue to creep upward, according to a report to the Board of Regents.

Six of the state's nine colleges and universities are considering fee hikes of between 1.19 percent and 8.95 percent to cover specific campus projects, inflation and one-time programs.With total fees for full-time students now ranging between $252 and $434 per year, Commissioner of Higher Education Cecelia Fox-ley says it may be time to examine fees and consider the policy implications of fee increases and changes.

"Are increases in general fees inconsistent with the board position of no tuition increases?" she asks in a memo to regents. "Does the board need to revisit the level of course fees?"

Brent Jensen, a University of Utah student government leader, thinks so. Jensen, the academic affairs chairman for Associated Students of the University of Utah, said, "I think the general consensus among students is that the fees are climbing too high. I certainly feel the crunch."

And not only are the regular fees beginning to hurt, students are also being subjected to dozens of specific fees for everything from transcripts to computer use.

"There is a feeling around here that this university can nickle and dime you to death," Jensen said.

The reasons for the proposed fee hikes vary with the institutions, but some are obvious substitutions for lack of support from the Legislature. For example, the Legislature's rejection of "urgent student support" funding has forced the U. to consider a library fee for the first time.

Regents had asked for $2.8 million in urgent student support, which funds such things as financial aid services, advising and counseling, and libraries.

According to the report to regents, the U. has also indexed three of its fees - athletics, recreation and computer - to inflation with an eye to requesting an inflationary adjustment each year.A detailed request from the U. is expected to reach the regents sometime in May.

Meanwhile, other schools have moved ahead with fee changes, both up and down.

Utah Valley State College is requesting a one-time fee hike of $10.08 to replace and offset the elimination of some course lab fees. However, ongoing fees for general purposes would be decreased by 93 cents.

The College of Eastern Utah wants an $8.50 fee hike to raise money for a new student center at its Price campus. The increase would be applied to students at CEU's San Juan Center as well.

Southern Utah University is requesting $7 more from students per quarter, including $5 for a stadium expansion and $2 for computers. SUU would also like to eliminate fees for students taking fewer than three credit hours per quarter. If the changes are approved, SUU's fee schedule would be more closely aligned with that of Dixie College, which is requesting no changes this year.

Weber State University's fee would increase by $3 to cover higher costs for insurance, student buildings, athletics and recreation. The activity fee would drop by 13 cents.

Utah State University is requesting a $1 increase in its quarterly athletic fee, but it would be offset by a corresponding $1 decrease in the bus fee.

Salt Lake Community College is asking for a $1 increase in the activity fee, $1 more for athletics and a $1 decrease in the recreation fee, for a net adjustment of $1.



College fees

TOTAL INCREASE University of Utah $434.40 NA*

Weber State University $393 $3

Utah State University $381 0

Southern Utah University $393 $7

Dixie College $291.60 0

College of Eastern Utah $285 $8.50

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Snow College $270 0

Utah Valley State College $264.70 $9.15

Salt Lake Community College $252 $1

* Tied to inflation

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