Q. How many forests are there in Sweden?
A. About half the land that makes up the country of Sweden is covered by forests. Sweden is about 1,000 miles long and takes up slightly more area than California. The northern part of Sweden is where most of the forests are. This part of the country is called Norrland. The other two sections are called Svealand and Gotaland. In Norrland, the forests are mostly made up of spruce and pine trees. In addition to having a lot of trees, Sweden has many, many lakes--more than 100,000!Q. How many steps are in the Statue of Liberty?
A. The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World has 354 steps if you go all the way to the crown. The statue is on Liberty Island, which used to be called Bedloe's Island until 1956, when the name was changed. The statue stands in New York Harbor and is 151 feet 1 inch tall.