The Utah County Medical Alliance will hold a spring fashion show beginning at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, March 28, at the Provo Park Hotel.
Tickets are $17 for the luncheon and fashion show, with all proceeds going to the local Children's Justice Center. Those attending are invited to come early to browse though the boutique. Entertainment will be provided by Marie Ross and the Medical Melodies, and door prizes will be given.The Utah County Medical Alliance in conjunction with the Utah State Medical Alliance is sponsoring a statewide service project, "UMAA Family Support Shower," to help benefit Family Support and Treatment Centers throughout the state.
The alliance is asking for a "shower" of donations of family paper products, including toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissues, diaper wipes, pull-ups and diapers. Those attending the fashion show are encouraged to bring one of these paper donations with them.
Tickets to the fashion show may be purchased from Lily Smith, 226-2716. For more information about the statewide service project call Sally Saunders, 756-4153.