Melanie Ogden, daughter of Corwin and Linda Ogden, is wearing the crown as the newest Miss Richfield, succeeding Tiffany Hendrickson.
Rounding out the royal queen court as attendants are Amy Jo Blackburn, daughter of Robert and Norene Blackburn, and Alicia Bird, daughter of Roger and Janet Bird.All nine of the contestants participated in a community project of face painting at the city park in connection with the city's Independence Day celebration, said Bird, pageant director and general chairman.
She worked with 16 other volunteer committee members in preparing for the pageant.
These were Jolaine Barney, Teresa Porter, Kellie Jorgensen, Tonya Christensen, Terri Chynoweth, Crista Holt, Audry Jacobson, Marsha Moss, Lavonna Memmott, Janet Aimes, Lenita Thompson, Gayle Crofts, Pam Creamer, Elaine Costa, Maurine Allred and Melanie Pace.