On July 27th, the Division of Wildlife Resources' Lee Kay Center for Hunter Education/public shooting range will close rifle, pistol and archery ranges to the regular days activities to hold the first annual A. Lee Robertson black powder shoot
Events are open to everyone with some specialty shoots and a few novelty activities. This will include eight match shoots, muzzleloading shotgun sporting clay shot at varied distance from blinds and novelty events like the ham shoot, ax shoot, steel and flint fire building and tepee demonstrations, knife and tomahawk throwing lessons.On July 26, primitive and tin tepee camping will be available on-site by prior arrangements. No showers will be available.
Saturday morning there will be a half hour class for those new shooters wishing to learn basics.
All matches and demonstrations will begin at 9 a.m. with prizes and medals being awarded at 6 p.m. Food will be available.
Pre-registration is recommended and camping will be limited to first come first served. Registration forms can be obtained from the regional Division of Wildlife Resources offices or at the Lee Kay Center, 6000 West 2100 South. For information call 972-1326.
HOLIDAY CAMPING LIMITS - Due to high demand on Starvation State Park facilities, advance reservations will be required on holiday weekends and are recommended on every week-end during the summer.
In addition, state park management will limit the number of vehicles in its four primitive camping areas.
During the past two years, visitation at Starvation State Park has more than doubled. The heavy impact on camping areas and natural resources is becoming a concern.
To resolve some of the problems and to make the visitor's stay and experience more enjoyable, Starvation State Park management will limit the number of vehicles in these areas on holiday weekends during the 1996 season.
To make camping reservations, call 322-3770 from within the Salt Lake calling area or 1-800-322-3770 outside the Salt Lake area. Reservations can be made from three to 120 days in advance. For more, information call Starvation State Park at 801-738-2326.
NEW GREEN SUNFISH RECORD - Since 1991 the green sunfish record in Utah has stood at an amazing 12 ounces.
On May 30, Eddie Goitia of Phoenix, was casting a four-inch plastic Yamamoto grub around the rocky structure of Lake Powell's majestic Rock Creek Canyon. The big female sunfish was in shallow water, probably preparing to spawn, when the plastic bait crossed her path.
Goitia thought he had tied into another smallmouth bass until the brightly colored greenish-yellow fish, with fluorescent blue etchings on its gill covers, came to the net.
Goitia was escorted to Page, to have the fish weighed on a certified scale. The fish weighed in at .92 pounds, which translates to 14.72 ounces.
The fish was 9.75 inches long and nine inches in girth.
The summer heat will slow bass fishing but the green sunfish, bluegill and crappie will continue to provide anglers with excitement through the summer.