It seems to me that all this brouhaha over whether the Provo pool should be open on Sundays or not is just a tempest in a teapot. (Or should I say Postum pot?)
There's an easy solution to this whole business. Just drain the water out of the pool on Saturday night and then leave it open on Sunday. Anyone who wishes to come to the pool can do so. They can lie out and get a great tan, meet other people and do everything they would do any other day - except swim.Of course, since there are people who play the air guitar, maybe there are also people who know how to air swim. They would be welcome to climb to the bottom of the pool and air swim to their heart's delight.
No fee would be charged for entrance on Sunday, and since there is no water, no need for a lifeguard to be on duty. So no personnel would be required to be on hand (unless one of the air swimmers accidentally hyperventilates.)
I think it's a great idea to heal the wounds this pool controversy has caused. Next, we could work on Sunday shopping. Let the malls stay open on Sunday, just don't have anyone around to wait on customers. Of course, my experience has been that's already happening every other day of the week anyway.
Tim Torkildson
Salt Lake City