The chefs at Hidden Valley Ranch have stirred up a new dressing. It's Peppercorn Dijon and touted as a "creamy dressing." The 8-ounce bottle retails for $1.69.
Edyth Jensen (married, frequent visits from kids and grandkids): "This dressing is very thick and not spicy at all. The pepper is very mild and so is the dijon flavor. It did not go over well with my family, however. We won't use it again, but if you like a mild pepper and light dijon flavor, you just might try it."Don Russell (married, five children at home, ages 6-16): "Laden with pepper, this is perhaps the thickest dressing I have ever poured from a bottle. Our peppercorn dijon dressing was essentially a blend of canola oil, water, dijon mustard, spices and flavorings. This is far from the best dressing I have ever tasted, but I know the Hidden Valley Ranch people make quality products that have been around quite a while."
Nihla Lake (married, two children at home): "This is a `zippy' dressing! We tried it on a baked potato - yum! It has 14 grams of fat - 1 gram saturated - but contained canola oil, which is `heart-smart.' It is creamy and rich, and the dijon mustard and peppercorn are a flavorful combo. We'll be using it again - it's a keeper."
Linda C. Tingey (single mother, two teenage boys at home): "This is OK, but I just like things plain and not too spicy. My kids liked the peppercorn, but it was just a little more than I care for. For myself, I'll keep buying Hidden Valley regular ranch dressing."
Rich Firmage (married, four children, oldest 10 years old): "We had a small get-together and served this dressing. We told everyone we were testing it and to eat with that in mind. They all said it was good, and they all liked it.
"There was one complaint, though. It is quite thick and hard to get out of the bottle. You really have to shake it. But besides that, everyone liked it."
Bill Allred (single): "Well, this really isn't bad. I'm not one to like the bottled dressings, but this one has a nice tanginess to it and a little bit of a mustard bite, too. It's pretty high in fat content, but what else can you expect from a creamy-style dressing. I would probably buy this again."
Conclusion: You don't need an attitude to enjoy this new dressing. There's nothing stuffy about it! It's zippy without being too spicy. Take it for a spin around your next bowl of salad. (P.S. to Barrister Brass: Thanks for the letter, we're searching hill and dale for the chocolate rellenos!)