Alger Hiss was the secretary-general of the U.N.'s founding conference and was later exposed as a communist and convicted of perjury. The first permanent U.N. secretary-general, socialist Tnygve Lie, had previously, as the Norwegian minister of justice, imprisoned Soviet exile Leon Trotsky in Norway for writing exposes of his rival, dictator Joseph Stalin.
The call to aid South Korea by the U.N. Security Council established several dangerous precedents. Our president waged war at the U.N.'s behest without a declaration of war by Congress, as the Constitution requires. Years later George Bush said he didn't need congressional approval to wage war against Iraq.Another precedent was set in changing the objective of our fighting forces from total victory to maintaining a bloody stalemate or no-win war. We quit the Iraq war before it was finished.
Following the Korean War, the precedents grew worse as the U.N.'s totalitarian designs became more obvious. The most atrocious example was the attack by U.N. troops on Red Cross vehicles in Elizabethville, in the seceding Congolese province of Katanga.
And if anyone thinks this is ancient history, they should read "Beasts In Blue Berets," the cover story in the New American that details the fact that atrocity by U.N. troops is still "business as usual" and was practiced in Somalia. U.N. troops are just about brutal enough to be our peacekeepers down the road. Let's get out of the U.N. and get the U.N. out of the United States.
Gordon Norman