The Temple Square Concert Series will present a trio of outstanding musical presentations this week. All concerts are in the Assembly Hall and begin at 7:30 p.m. The concerts are free to those eight years of age and older.
- Wed-nesday, Nov. 5: The Canterbury Singers, Myron Patterson founder and director, will perform Henryk Gorecki's "Totus Tuus" along with madrigals by Dowland and Arcadelt among others.- Friday, Nov. 7: Internationally acclaimed Canadian bass-baritone Daniel Lichti will be joined by pianist Paul Dorgan in "The Winter Journey" by Franz Schubert. Lichti has appeared with all noted U.S. Bach festivals, toured with the Bach Aria Group and soloed with major symphonies of Canada and San Francisco, Cleveland and Atlanta symphonies.
- Saturday, Nov. 8: The Formosan Violin-Piano Duo, consisting of Shi-Hwa Wang, violin and Yu-Jane Yang, piano, will perform sonatinas by Schubert and Grieg along with arrangements of four short familiar airs. The husband-wife duo, members of the music faculty at Weber State University, have international careers in teaching and performing at Taipei, Taiwan (where he is concert master of the symphony), at the University of Michigan and Eastman School of Music, among many other credits.