Anyone who has fond memories of Christmases past, including amateur writers and story tellers, are encouraged to enter the Deseret News' annual "Christmas I Remember Best" writing contest.
The stories should be no more than 800 words in length and must be original.The stories should be legible, ideally produced on a computer with a laser printer, although handwritten submissions will be accepted as well. The author's name, address, daytime and evening phone numbers (if different) must accompany each entry limited to one per writer.
Entries cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope large enough to accommodate the story.
Five winners will be published the week prior to Dec. 25. They will be illustrated by the Deseret News art department and winners will each receive $50.
The deadline for submission is Friday, Nov. 28. Address or deliver entries to "Christmas Best," c/o Deseret News, 30 E. 100 South, Suite 400, P.O. Box 1257, Salt Lake City, UT 84110. Fax entries to (801) 237-2528. For information, call (801) 237-6062.