The Utah State Bar Board of Bar Commissioners announced the names of individuals who passed the Utah State Bar Examination administered Feb. 25 and 26.
A combined admissions ceremony with the Utah Supreme Court and the U.S. District Court will be held May 21 at the U.S. District Court.Angela Adams, Juan C. Arce-Larreta, John S. Askew, Brian R. Barnhill, Martin W. Bates, David J. Bauch, Christopher T. Beck, Brett L. Benson, Steven J. Bracci, Michael T. Bringhurst, Alan B. Brown, James G. Busby Jr., Steven A. Buys, Jennifer B. Cannaday, David J. Cartwright, Christopher J. Castillo, Hector A. Chichoni, Augustus G. Chin, Kirstin E. Clayton, Suzanne D. Clinger, Devon J. Coggins, Marina G. Condas, Benjamin E. Connor.
Christopher A. Davies, Allen K. Davis, John B. DeBry, Ryan L. Dennett, Maria K. DeVries, Matthew S. Dunkley, Alexander Dushku, Michael S. Ellis, Dana M. Facemyer, Wayne R. Farnsworth, Vicki E. Farrar, Marnie D. Flores, Mitzie T. Folau, Anthony L. Furneri, Lisa A. Garner, Ronald S. George, Christine Gerhart, Scott B. Gordon, Mary E. Goza, Gregory J. Greathouse, Richard R. Grind-staff, Nancy L. Handrich, John F. Hanlon III, Lynelle M. Hansen, Darrell M. Harding, Tarah K. Hardy, Robert D. Haws, Hans M. Horlacher, Steven A. Hoskins, Michael E. Huber, Mary C. Jensen, Kristina L. Jezairian, Kevin K. Johanson.
Mehrdad Karimi, GinaMarie Keegan, Denise P. Larkin, Cynthia E. Lauder, Jaiwook Lee, Jared C. Leung, Laurel S. Liefert, Catherine E. Lilly, Jane E. Lindhout, Daniel G. Lloyd, Ward S. Marshall, Scott H. Martin, Patrick T. McBride, Bernard J. McGuire, Marjorie Millner, Marie P. Montefusco, John A. Muraski, Connie S. Nakahara, Cami R. Newey, Paula R. Noe, Frank J. Normile, Michael A. Olsen, Eric A. Overby, Henry D. Owens.
Chris L. Patterson, Trent E. Pedersen, Bruce M. Pendery, Mark E. Peplowski, Kristine Peterka Miles, Riley J. Player, Adam B. Price, Trenton K. Ricks, Ross I. Romero, Ricky D. Roskelly, Bradley N. Roylance, Pete B. Sarandos, Thomas A. Schaffer, Laren I. Schonick, Steven P. Shurtz, Robert A. Stockbridge, Krista Stone., Michael G. Sundwall, Kumen L. Taylor, Cynthia L. Tooms, Greg E. Van De Mark, David A. Van Dyke, Michael R. Ward, Darren L. Ward, Barton A. Warren, Jr. Janice M. Welsh, John G. Weston, Arwen B. Westover, Mary Kathleen Wolsey, Frank C. Yannelli, Michael J. Ziouras, Jacqueline C. Zipser.