Visitors to south-central Utah may encounter some minor inconvenience because of highway construction, but they'll experience few delays.
Utah Department of Transportation officials said the inconvenience is not expected to be as great as that on I-15 in Salt Lake County.UDOT personnel in Richfield outlined ongoing construction in Juab, Sevier, Wayne and Emery counties:
Juab County - Rotomill and overlay project on 10 miles of I-15 south of the Utah County line to northern Nephi. Minor repairs to bridge decks. Inconvenience to both southbound and northbound traffic during daylight hours Mondays through Fridays. Expected completion in August.
Sevier County - Major Main Street project on U.S. 89 in Richfield. Intermittent and overnight lane closures, but traffic will continue. Paving, to begin in early June, will require more significant lane restrictions. Work progressing during daylight hours Mondays through Saturdays. The project will be completed in November.
Wayne County - U-24 is being widened west of Bicknell to accommodate a new turn lane to the Wayne County airport. Intermittent stops for truck crossings. Work schedule is Mondays through Fridays, and the project will be completed in May.
Emery County - Reconstruction of three bridges along U-155 in and near Cleveland. Paved detours around all three sites. Work schedule is daylight hours Mondays through Fridays, with a September completion date.