MONDAY: Croatia President Franjo Tudjman celebrates his 75th birthday. Prime ministers of India and Pakistan meet for first formal talks in four years.
TUESDAY: Special election in Albuquerque to replace Rep. Bill Richardson, D-N.M., who resigned to become U.N. ambassador; mayoral elections in Camden and Jersey City, N.J. Start of three toll-free days on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay bridge, courtesy of a radio stunt gone wrong.WEDNESDAY: French President Jacques Chirac begins trip to China and Hong Kong. National Father's Day Committee meets in New York to present 62nd Annual Father of the Year Awards.
THURSDAY: Deadline for Judge R.C. Lahoti to release findings into Nov. 12, 1996, midair collision over India.
FRIDAY: Miss Universe Pageant in Miami Beach, Fla. Opening of 1997 International Conference of the American Thoracic Society in San Francisco.
SATURDAY: American Psychiatric Association's 150th annual meeting in San Diego. Four identical sisters receive diplomas during commencement exercises at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
SUNDAY: Winners of Cannes Film Festival announced.